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Everything posted by Monstru

  1. No way yo get under 39 with that old thing :P:P
  2. This would be a blast to see, most of the Cedars didn't get bellowe 40s afaik. However, with this competition we might see some scores unheard of before, exactly from CPU's like this one!
  3. Thank you Pieter. This is a nice stage, pure skilled involved, and a little bit of luck in finding a good CPU. The best part, CPU's for this round cost ~25-30 Euros, so everybody can join. Great!
  4. This should be clearly stated in the stage rules, since in general it does comply to HWB rules, so many people may get this wrong.
  5. Hmm...ok, I go slit my wrist now..Ah Pieter Jan I hate you so much =))
  6. Passion and dedication are highly important in this :sport" my friend, and you guys seem to have a LOT of both. Good luck once more
  7. Yes of course you can help. I wish you guys good luck!!!!
  8. Hi Fabi, you do not have to worry, using the same platform except the CPU is allowed for 2D bences, and using the same platform except the VGA is ok for 3D benches. So there is no problem that you use the same motherboard as long as the CPU is different. And, most of the top teams will use pretty close hardware in order to be in top, so there is no worry about that.
  9. Nevermind, I remembered that is you only clock one core higher and it is not the first one, CPU-Z will just read the clocks from the first core. I bet something like 6,3 for this one
  10. Is there any CPU-Z bug here with the multi? Because I know our friend Chaos is a good tweaker...hehe...TWKR... but, I don't think the frequency is reported correctly. Am I wrong?
  11. Wohooooo....so TWKR's and C3's allowed....Good news then, it's gonna be pretty tight this one Darn... the russians are going to kick our arses :D:D
  12. Yeah, I tried the translator on this article ad I was under the table with laughter. The article is pretty much ok, but the introducation is translated in a hilarious way =))
  13. Thank you bro, I am glad you liked it. BTW, does Translate manage to make any sense for the gladiator story on the first page?
  14. Thank you very much my friend!!! Here is something I managed to pull after the rview was published 1025MHz GPU - 4200MHz CPU - 27405 Vantage :D:D
  15. And you suppose 16.55 is easy to beat?
  16. Well I think it is safe to assume you guys will win this stage. Congrats!
  17. Yeah, the idiots at the hosting company had "some problems". I'm gonna shoot somebody today Anyway, working now
  18. It is done! HD 5970 vs GTX 295/GTX285/HD5870/HD5850/HD4890 - single card stock & OC test HD 5970 vs 2 x HD 5970 vs 1/2/3/4 x HD 5870 - multi-card test HD 5970 - short air-cooling overclocking study from 725/1000 to 1000/1200MHz Bonus - STALKER: Call Of Pripyat DX11 benchmark results in 2560x1600 All of these can be found in the test bellow. ATI Radeon HD5970 – Ave Hemlock, morituri te salutant @ lab501 (Google Translator Required).
  19. It's not like people are not benching for this, but after the experience with Russian's last minute climb to number 1, people are beeing more temperate are are keeping more scores for the last day. I will give it a short try for my team also
  20. Marc - those scores do not count in rankings, they count as WR's. They do not get points, but they are there so people can see the actual WR, even if it is done with unreleased hardware. It is the manufacturers fault to leak or allow leaking of so many unreleased hardware sample with months before the actual launch, not the guys using them.
  21. It's just a part of the game, no need to get excited about that. The second round will be a very tight one, since most people played around with max BCLK on i920. Sweet
  22. Oh fluck, hipro wants to see the WR page...RUN FOR COVER!!!!
  23. Thx Pieter. Them competitions are getting nicer and nicer, aren't they? Jeez, 2-3 years ago you would kill to find one, now I don;t even have the time to participate to most of them. My how the world is changeing
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