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Mythical tech

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Everything posted by Mythical tech

  1. Apex's sold
  2. I am still very new to tweeking software and efficiency but I have found about a quarter to half a second improvement. Others have a lot more experience and can better answer it but that has been my findings so far.
  3. Do you think you could run 480 mhz fsb on it so you could run higher frequency on the memory or does the chip have a low fsb wall?
  4. Bump. 225 for everything.
  5. @TAGG @ground1556 It looks half of them are bbse, would binning be the same for those as hypers?
  6. 2k I think I will check when I get out of class. I think two of them were 1866 which I think are bbse. How does bbse compare to hypers?
  7. A local cl listing, I think they must looked up the cost of ddr3 and don't realize what kits they have. They are Kingston ones and I have heard that they are not the best but for 20$ I can't pass that up.
  8. Does anyone have any binning data on hypers for 775. I am able to pick up 8 sticks for 20$ and am planning on testing them for lowest voltage required for 6-6-6 900 mhz, is this a good way to bin them or should I try something else.
  9. Bump. Everything needs to go I am open to offers.
  10. That is a lot more expensive. Yeah 375 is reasonable then.
  11. I think the dark is priced a little too high, you can pick them up from Amazon warehouse for around 275$ right now.
  12. There is also a chance I just do not know what I am doing. I am going to buy a prebinned chip to see if I can get the same or at least close results to see if it is me doing something wrong or if the chip was just bad.
  13. I am looking for a rampage extreme that can do at least 630 fsb on air and 980mhz on the men. I would also consider a p5e3 premium or a deluxe that has been flashed and has a vcore mod as long as it can do 620 fsb and 950 mem. If you are selling hypers I may be interested.
  14. I was running 115 pcie and slowmode. I was able to get cpu up to 250 bclk with the multi dropped.
  15. My luck with my i7 920 was shit. 4.65 in 32m. I have three more coming but the first two were awful.
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