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Mythical tech

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Everything posted by Mythical tech

  1. It should always be done for fun and if someone is offering you money or other compensation for it even better but the leagues are almost always going to feel unfair if separated by cooling methods. If someone is on air and can't afford a high end water cooling setup or they live in Australia where is is 40c out when it is - 5c for me that is a huge difference between the two even though it is both ambient cooling. If someone in Australia is using a fishtank chiller they are going to feel like it is unfair that even if it is the same temperature as it is for me during the winter that they are put against people using dice. In the extreme league I am put against people using liquid nitrogen which is 90c colder than my cascade. My solution is to bench devil's and 775 because its cold bug is usually very close to that of my cascade. If you are on water look at the database and find something worth points using water or air. Hd 4350 the top scores are all on ambient cooling and is worth over 30 points. Or 2500k, 2600k, 2700k are worth lots of points and have a high cold bug. It is about what you are willing to learn for points and if you want to get points put in the work if not then just do it for fun and don't worry about the leagues.
  2. That is why I do not use the oc clubs hardware even though I am technically the person who is in control of what happens with it I didn't pay for it and I don't own it I don't feel comfortable submitting results with a 9900k and have 4 kits of bdie to bin when I didn't work to get that hardware. @ADVenturePOHere is what a lot of people told me when I first started. Don't get burned out by chasing points. I didn't get how I could get burned out doing something I love but during this country cup I understand how it happens. Between finals and work I was already tired and then when I was benching for 7x spi 32m I was having nothing but problems with getting the memory to work properly and I spent 48 straight hours trying to get it to work. I pushed myself to get a score and wasn't doing it for my own enjoyment and that is the first time I wanted to just give up and not keep benching. I have overclocked every system I can get my hands on I got my first real opportunity when I was in high school and the workstation had a 3770k and a stock Intel cooler I spent a semester tweaking the memory and cpu, I had just as much fun on an Intel stock cooler as I do with my cascade. If you can afford to overclock you can afford to go subzero and get more points. I built my first chiller for free out of parts that were free off Craigslist and it got below - 30c at 800 watt power draw. A lot of platforms don't scale below that and if all you care about is points then you can do a lot with a chiller. The rankings mean nothing beyond acting as something to motivate you to keep pushing yourself to improve. OC is something you should do for your own fun not for meaningless number next to your online name to less than a few thousand people most of which you will never meet.
  3. Bump
  4. 400 shipped to U.S
  5. Bump
  6. Nice job, how many cpus did you bin to get this one?
  7. Bump
  8. I am looking for a price check on an evga sr2 with two 5680's. It is in good condition but had one capacitor replaced.
  9. I am looking to buy a decent kit of either hypers or d9's
  10. This year I only have two days to bench because of finals then I go to visit my family so two weeks earlier would be amazing next year.
  11. Welcome! If you are interested in cpu benching I would look at trying some other benchmarks besides XTU due to it being removed from the point rankings. Super pi, cinebench and wprime are a good place to start. Happy overclocking.
  12. Selling lightly used x399 Taichi with 1920x and 32 gb of ballistix rev e comes with io shield. The cpu was run at 3.2ghz on a passive cooler in my ESXI server but I tried it up to 4.2 on ambient. Price is 450 425 400$ shipped in the united states. No international shipping until after the new year due to the holidays.
  13. I am not sure. I want to see if it does anything at all . I know @Luumi uses it or has used it so maybe he can say.
  14. You could also make one for about 15$ with a copper slug from an intel stock heatsink and a pipe from the hardware store. I made on a few years back and it worked even for low powered cpus after I milled some groves in it.
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