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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. Asks for a username and password ?
  2. Not sure if an older version is faster ... People who know , will probably not tell. But now at least you have most of the available versions in hand , so you can test for yourself.
  3. I cannot access your link 504 Gateway Time-out openresty Judging by the photo only , you have a couple versions that i dont ... and i have a couple versions that you dont
  4. This platform and it's bios modding , is still interesting in 2024. I want to thank all members , participants here for their shared knowledge and i hope they will continue to support this thread if they can. and again , THANK YOU all.
  5. Yeap , that's true and unpleasant. Thanks Scotty
  6. To be honest , i took as granted that almost all of us , have atleast one of each NV core. But still , cant be that expensive ... (i see most price range is from 15 to 70 euro and the geforce256 is the most expensive at 90++) https://www.ebay.at/sch/i.html?item=395320642025&rt=nc&_ssn=henengelber0&_pgn=1 https://www.ebay.at/sch/i.html?_nkw=geforce+4+ti&_sop=2
  7. My proposal is classic. Plain and simple stages , no unicorns needed for someone that wants to have fun. 3DMark03 Nvidia GeForce (AGP) history revival Stage 1 : 1x NV10 score Stage 2 : 1x NV15 score Stage 3 : 1x NV20 score Stage 4 : 1x NV25 score Bonus Stage : 1x NV28 score (GF4 Ti 4200 or GF4 Ti 4800SE only) PiFast Fastest SDRAM Stage 1 : 1x socket370 score Stage 2 : 1x socket462 score Bonus Stage : 1x socket478 score (Willamette core only)
  8. This series of competition needs some WD40 Lets organize something.
  9. Any chance you have any of the versions i am looking for ? (2021.4 - 2022.0 - 2022.1)
  10. Very nice thread , as part of hwbot history. Very few bits missing. Alby check your pm's about this.
  11. Someone hacked the link ? ... behind the word "Computex" in the first line of the article at the front page. It leads to an FB page of a local shop in Baku Azerbaijan. https://hwbot.org/newsflash/5439_10_days_to_go_in_the_g.skill_online_qualifier_of_the_oc_world_cup_2024/
  12. Nice cpu bracket !!
  13. What about tFaw and other performance secondary and tertiary timings ? I am also trying to figure out , Why do people who bench aircooled tend to prefer the later versions of M-die sticks ? Lower voltages (and temps) for the same speed and primary timings compared to A-die ? Does an average good IMC have the same behaviour with a 32GB A-die kit and a 48GB M-die kit ? p.s. Sorry for asking more general questions in a review thread.
  14. I think , this is the key point. A friend from the States was telling me the same thing about the Patriot extreme 5 kit , where the 8200 48gb kit (M-die) is performing better than the 8200 32gb kit (A-die) But what about latencies ?
  15. Very nice looking modules. These are Hynix A-die , right ? Have you kept any records-charts with the settings you used during your testing-reviewing ? How far did you go with voltages ? any temp issues or instabilities ?
  16. Great little board. https://tw.msi.com/Motherboard/Z790MPOWER/Specification I've done a lot of research on it , since day 1. Although 1700 is "end of life" this late production board is a must have for amateur overclockers that aim high. Too bad it's Chinese and Taiwan market only (for the time being). I have a feeling that we might see it Europe soon
  17. New bundle price 680 euro plus shipping cost.
  18. Sale is still active. * I am very sorry , it was my mistake. I cannot ship to Russia.
  19. TASOS

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Interested in 1x Hipro DDR Maximizer with DDR1 and DDR2 PCBs box and accessories / manual fully working---> https://www.directupload.net/file/d/7211/cfbmq9dy_jpg.htm https://www.directupload.net/file/d/7211/9qt2m9wq_jpg.htm https://www.directupload.net/file/d/7211/g7gvbkht_jpg.htm Sending pm
  20. Great result !! These new modded bioses are very good for achieving high frequencies. I wish we had them back then. Congrats for keeping alive this rare board.
  21. Last bump and last call for this sale. This add is closing on Monday.
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