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Everything posted by gavbon

  1. Hey guys, now that I'm moved into my new office, will be holding an open bench meet for those wanting to join me for a weekend of benching fun. UK Bench Meet #2 Details: Date - Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April 2017 Location - Liverpool, United Kingdom Benching Type - Liquid Nitrogen/DICE (if you want to order some) If people wish to come, they will need to bring their own keyboards, mice, monitors, hardware, flasks etc. I will have space for up to 10 people, so space will be limited of course as you may understand, it's an office and not a warehouse. There is ample parking available and it's not too far from Liverpool city centre for those wanting to use public transport. People are also welcome to crash at the office if they don't want to get a hotel, but I must make aware that it can get cold so bring a sleeping bag/duvet/pillows/airbeds as the floor is wooden laminate. People will need to contribute to LN2 cost and the amount ordered will depend on the amount of people coming. Free internet/Wi-Fi will be provided (broadband) and the event will be streamed on Twitch.tv via my 4G dongle. I also ask people please kindly contribute something towards the electric used as it comes out of my pocket, although not mandatory; if you're benching 4-way GPU, you most deffo will be haha There is currently 85l worth of dewars here (mine and Lawrences), so if you have one and you want to come, it would be a good idea to either fill up and bring, or bring before the LN2 delivery is made so it's cheaper to fill up. We can rent them from Mansfiend Cryo at a cost of £100 per 50l dewar rented and filled. Please post below if you want to come so I can add your name to the list! The list below of confirmed attendees: 1. Gavbon 2. Jumper118 3. Bakerman1971 4. Simba (in spirit) 5. GeorgeStorm 6. AshWorden 7. Mel 8. Chinney (maybe) 9. InkieSquid 10. Jakethesnake
  2. would you take $400?
  3. I see no problem with that at all! Starting to plan the next one now that I have moved to a better office! <3 awesome! Phase is a great way to get into it, sustainable, re-usable whenever you want and more importantly, great for 775 chips as you can get some really good scores!
  4. gavbon

    ASUS Mars GTX 295

    Anyone got one they would sell?
  5. gavbon

    EK Pot Cpu

    Could you please update so people know what's sold and what hasn't? Thanks!
  6. My friend wants to get into sub-zero benching, so looking for a relatively cheap, but semi-decent/decent CPU pot for him to get to grips with. Price including shipping to UK please
  7. Which batch of b-die mem kits seems to be the most likely/successful to achieve 4000MHz CL12 Wazza?
  8. I have a 6700K non benched/binned/tested for OC and hasn't been delidded
  9. Looking for a set of B-Die dual channel DDR4 that does 4000MHz CL12-12-12-28 1T capable mems Not fussed if they are rejects from other peoples bins, just looking for a decent priced kit that can do the above capable with Wazaa Let me know what you got peeps (Shipped to UK)
  10. NEVER!!!!
  11. Feel free to invite Gavbon to your Overclocking Twitch network...I will gladly accept!
  12. ^This Maybe it's time to open it up a little/diversify the OC content a bit more? Instead of 150 different OC streamers fighting for the same small audience, why not take them all and get them on your Twitch partnership network? That way, you have the hub for the best OC related live streams all in one place; yours? https://www.twitch.tv/team/overclocking Be the one for many, not the many for one
  13. Got an example of a base that could be used? Want to try this myself
  14. I thought you might recognise that Thanks, really appreciate it! - I will be hiding in the corner not popping VRMs, I promise!
  15. It can't harm to put it, might show trends with more results!
  16. My results i7-7700k (240mm AIO) - Not de-lidded Mobo - ASUS Z270 Hero Batch L642G085 VID - 1.168v 50/45/3000 - 1.23v Cinebench R15 - PASS 51/45/3000 - 1.31v Cinebench R15 - PASS 52/45/3000 - 1.35v Cinebench R15 - FAIL 51/44/3000 - 1.39v (102bclk for 5.2GHz) - FAIL 51/44/3000 - 1.4v (102bclk for 5.2GHz) - PASS Worth de-lidding or not?
  17. It's an 18 liter container
  18. Hey guys/gals Me and a couple of the UK benchers will be benching Kaby Lake and socket 775 chips over the weekend of 20th-22nd of Jan. Myself, ObscureParadox and Jumper118 (all from the UK) will be having one of the first UK based group sessions of this 2017 and hopefully will pave the way for even more. The UK scene has been pretty slow for whatever reason, but I think it's good that benchers from different parts of the country can come together and bench as a group; chasing globals, having fun and getting drunk Will be live streaming the event on Twitch.tv and would be awesome if the XOC community could maybe watch, get involved and help support our dwindling OC scene. Here is a link to the event on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/1845945108985982/ We are even discussing the possibility of taking a car load to Poitiers and having some UK guys compete in the HWBot World Tour - Watch this space
  19. gavbon

    FS: Open Benchtable

    having to pull out
  20. gavbon

    FS: Open Benchtable

    If you can find out shipping price to UK and give me your best price inc shipping ill get back to you asap!
  21. gavbon

    FS: Open Benchtable

    I would have had this! How much inc shipping to UK (tracked shipping)
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