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Everything posted by gavbon

  1. I would mate but I don't want to keep going on about customs/shipping fees...but it's absolutely ridiculous to the UK, adds around a 1/3rd to the price
  2. Will probably be more towards the Spring months in all honesty mate
  3. Thanks Roman
  4. Makes me want one even more!!!
  5. I thought the competitors get announced on the 10th? So you have 7 days of knowing who's in the competition before it ends
  6. I was about to approach OcUK and ask if they would be willing to hold a meet for the UK guys, but seeing as how Pack works there and you work with Pack...what would you think the chances would be?
  7. Nice one! Will you guys be running events/workshops in the EU/UK? Please say yes
  8. Thanks mate
  9. Yeah, the more the better! I will be bringing mine along for sure!
  10. Was one of the highlights of my weekend finally meeting you Beer is always good it's one of the venue requirements!
  11. That was the plan all along, but with the venue ultimately letting me down with no time to re-arrange it for anywhere else, it was out of my hands
  12. That's my big thinking...also be nice to see Zen too
  13. Haha sounds great! Was awesome meeting you last year, I have to admit! No excuses slacker You will indeed mate, you were a big miss at the last one Randomly picking up the dewar and pouring it directly into my pot was a particular highlight! Probably one of the nicest guys I have met in years too!
  14. Hey guys Some of you may or may not know that I held a UK based overclocking event last year in Sheffield. The turnout was good in my opinion and some benchers who have always wanted to meet each other finally got the chance. Much LN2 was poured, many beers were had and lots of fun too! Some of us are looking at holding another one sometime in 2017 (dates are flexible right now) and this post is purely designed to gauge interest. Who would be interested in attending? LN2er, Newbies, Rookies, Experienced, New blood - All 100% welcome! This might be in the UK, but everyone Worldwide including Europe is welcome to come along! I am currently working to source a venue for it, so the more interested the better. Obviously, we are trying to keep the costs involved down to a minimum, so we will probably sell tickets again like last time, but this is obviously not for profit so if we manage to get costs paid via a sponsor, then we will use money for pooled hardware/pizza/beer etc If you are interested, please say below
  15. It's ok A UK event in 2017 is looking likely, but only if there is enough interest
  16. Example? I can't see anything buddy
  17. Anyone got the stock BIOS or the script to flash the original BIOS handy? I seem to have misplaced mine
  18. Link to wallpaper is dead could anyone quickly upload it so I can grab it? Thanks in advance!
  19. Thanks mate Pot only came with 1 bracket, so guess I'm screwed on that front! I have made a fix though, so hopefully it will work
  20. Question about XOCing this card I have 3 pots here - A fat, a slim and a stubby, but the mounting on them doesn't fit the RX 460 STRIX How have you all mounted them and it's like the copper from the block is actually covering the holes...is there a method that I'm oblivious to here?
  21. Does the CPU even boot now after all that XTU degradation? Also a sweet example of a phase unit!
  23. It would be pretty epic, but I have heard they are moving away from the Impact branding with Kaby etc...could just be a simple re-name, but could be a re-design too which would suck! I will certainly get a Zen setup, even if it's to just play with...but I'm sure ill find a use for it! Full pot benching
  24. The event might be in the UK, but we hope to embrace everyone equally
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