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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Wow amazing result bro! Looking forward to seeing what you'll be able to do once that GPU is under LN2
  2. increase multiplier and lower the FSB, that should help you get a little more out of i since that FSB is already a little high for an i5 750. Maybe just put it at 200FSB to keep the ram at 1600MHz for now and just increase the multiplier again until you become unstable.
  3. Sorry to jump on the thread, but what do you guys think of this board over say an Abit NF7-S or a LanParty NF2 B?
  4. hmm, I might try doing some vNB and vSB mods too and returning to this CPU some other time, that's if I can get my hands on more LN2 in the mean time
  5. Yeah I completely agree. CL3 gave me a lot more issues than CL2.5, I'm not sure if I was limited by the CPU or the NB but I'll find out when I test my second chip. If it is NB I'll start modding it soon
  6. Wanting the motherboard above for no real reason other than I fancy playing about with one and have money to burn at the moment Let me know if you have one you would like to sell and for how much
  7. good result, got two here myself and only tested one so far which did 290 on air and maybe a little more than 330 on LN2 Edit : I didn't have a NB limit at all I don't think, this was on air too.
  8. Are we just going to get rid of all the old scores when the new version is released then? Seems like the easiest way going forward.
  9. Cheers bud, if I had more than a liter left before I did this run I would have done it on 7, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to find my SSD in time and get a run done with 1L so I just settled for this. Absolutely convinced it can do 6.1GHz at least on this chip and hopefully more!
  10. No CB didn't think that was possible with Haswell, like you said shame the chip couldn't do more then, nice globals all the same
  11. need a price for everything in the for sale section bro
  12. Got a kit here that I don't really need anymore. Will test tonight and post back what they can do.
  13. Yeah I was just a bit shocked it worked at all I mean I have a 775 board with 2 bent pins and that will absolutely not boot with anything in.
  14. Well finally got round to testing the first Sempron 145 I bought around 2 years ago and it was a half decent chip. 7th Global for wPrime 32M and 1024M (will upload results later) and ran Cinebench at a decent clock too but I was on the wrong OS for that run so the result is shockingly bad Anyway long story short after the board got a little too frost to continue I stripped everything apart and packed it away for another time. When putting the CPU back in it's box I noticed something wasn't quite right As you can hopefully see from the pic the CPU has 2 horribly bent pins and yet it still managed to run Cinebench @ 6GHz + So how many pins can the CPU live without and still run? Off the top of my head I think one of the pins was a VSS pin and the other some Memory Clock pin (which I thought would be important) VSS I'm sure it can live without since there are many more but just how many can it run without? Cheers guys Lewis.
  15. I mean like the one in this pic https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10171639_710909228969415_4700269741754961733_n.jpg I see them a lot everywhere but my ones have a much smaller pouring area. Just helpful when filling it more than anything really.
  16. Can someone please link me to those large thermos flasks you all have with the massive exit. I've been trying to find one for a while but have had no luck
  17. After the above, If you have a kit that you're willing to sell then post here with a price.
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