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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Arguably my favourite issue that's made the support section all year
  2. Good stuff dude, not a bad retail at all
  3. Decided to show my hand since I might be too busy to visit the PC over the next few weeks. I do hope that someone is going to be able to challenge this one http://hwbot.org/submission/2629811_obscureparadox_cpu_frequency_mobile_celeron_1.2ghz_4321.23_mhz
  4. Good stuff dude, I can't compete with that SSD score but I'll still give it a go with as many tweaks as I can when I bench this sometime this week.
  5. Kenny where have you been hiding?????? On a side note I'd like to point out that it wasn't the username that made me laugh but simply the nature of the post.
  6. Hahahahahahaha, I couldn't help but laugh for ages at this But in all seriousness it's not that funny.......................................
  7. I don't know what your subs look like but this bench is so messed up that it's pretty likely that your subs actually are bugged. Don't take it too personally because even those who run at stock speeds have had bugged results' date=' trust me it happens Looking at this are you literally just checking those which are highest globals? If you are then you're going to miss quite a few results that are going to be bugged. If I had any sort of control I'd be more than happy to help out now that I have no job and a lot of time on my hands
  8. and every single 1,3,5 and 8 core
  9. I wasn't trying to be funny before, I was just trying to point out the rules as I saw them to make it fair for everypne. If the mods have given you the OK then that's good enough for me.
  10. Maybe worth a go on the P4C800-E? I got stupid high MHz on that without a volt mod
  11. Well no need to get bunnybirdy, if you like I could link you to a forum thread which discusses it? Actually, hell just because of that bunnybirdy remark I'm going to anyway http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=99459 Edit : Quote from mod Christian Ney in that thread "If there is a compressor in the loop => considered as Extreme cooling (It's like a phase change unit /Single Stage) No compressor => water cooling (Enthusiast League)."
  12. Seems a decent chip this one, get it cold and get pushing
  13. Water coolers not allowed in the enthusiast league dude It's classed as a compressor in the loop so falls under the same category as a SS or Phase unit.
  14. Isn't that what we're meant to be doing anyway
  15. A lot are 3418C001 is one of them, there is another good one is L421B784
  16. But am I right in saying that under certain circumstances (I believe with AMD 3 and 5 core CPUs) a stock run will still bring up a bugged result due to an odd number of threads used??
  17. Finally been removed
  18. Happy Birthday bro!!
  19. Cheers for checking Christian
  20. When 90% of your bedroom floor space is dedicated to hardware
  21. I think I'm getting a firmer grasp of what a bugged result is and isn't now so I'll go through all my results now and delete those I believe are bugged. I won't be bothering to bench the benchmark anymore though until we get a definite answer and what will be happening to the benchmark. Edit, these are the ones I've deleted so far, the rest look ok to me : http://hwbot.org/submission/2433312_obscureparadox_ucbench_2011_a10_4600m_331.4_mpt_score http://hwbot.org/submission/2499465_obscureparadox_ucbench_2011_pentium_4_2.8_ghz_b_northw._(133_fsb)_87.7_mpt_score
  22. Everything wrong here dude Wrong Cinebench, benchmark score and wrong CPU submission, only need to submit as 1 CPU.
  23. Haha, I like that idea, OC contest at bullys!!!!!!!!!!
  24. You're probably better off going for an AM2+ board for Sempron overclocking, the only boards that I know that would even start to compete with a good 790FX/790X board is the crosshair IV and V series but you're unlikely to max a chip with one of those Not trying to go completely off topic just advise
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