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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Why did nobody else find this funny? I lol'ed so hard.
  2. Moose and Vivi trying to advise people too kill their gem CPUs with voltage all of a sudden
  3. I'm selling off more of my LGA 775 CPU collection with more to add as I test more chips. All of these chips are fully working and are surplus to my needs. All Prices are inclusive of postage to the UK and there will be extra for the rest of the world which I can quote to you depending on the order size. What I have is; 4 x E2140 (SLA93) £4 Each 3 x E2160 (SLA3H) £4 Each 5 x E2160 (SLA8Z) £5 Each 3 x E5200 (SLAY7) £7 Each SOLD : 2 x E5200 (SLAY7) 1 x E8400 (SLAPL) If you want any information on batch numbers etc then feel free to ask
  4. ObscureParadox


    Item arrived today, will test when I get the chance. Cheers again
  5. DDr3 vs DDR2, Win 7 vs Win XP, No point trolling my submissions mate, doesn't really get you anywhere. Beat the result then we'll talk
  6. That s basically irrelevant. Different boards do different clocks. If I tried I could have easily got 500MHz out of this if I tried, I have an Athlon that will do it anyway
  7. Jesus, who would have thought we'd have competition for the semprons in Cinebench Awesome score bro!!!
  8. No paypal in Ukraine bud
  9. The bug has been proven and now all we really need to do is to get rid of the bench results and get the wrapper or the fixed version in. I personally see no point in going round and reporting all the bugged submissions as he will never be able to keep up with the amount of results that get submitted daily.
  10. ObscureParadox


    Payment sent
  11. ObscureParadox


    I will take at asking, send me a PM with payment details and I'll get it sent to you as soon as I can. I'll be in work all day tomorrow so it might take me a while to reply tomorrow
  12. It won't be hugely different everytime and it won't take you too long to figure out exactly where your cold bug is going to be, bit of a non problem really.
  13. English schools also have it directly in front of us
  14. Very nice looking pics mate. Just out of curiosity do you have to insulate the 24Pin connector in any kind of way?? Looks like it gets pretty frosty.
  15. I have no problem believing you since a lot of scores will be done with 4c 8t CPUs at stock. Lets not get started on PCMark though or people will be asking to ban that again too
  16. I completely agree, if we can't even run stock settings then this bench needs to go completely until it's fixed. How are the newbies ever meant to do well here if they can't even run a bench on stock settings without it being a bugged run
  17. My Micron 5B can also easily do 300 C3
  18. How could he have used the incorrect thread settings if he has used the stock settings? So are we saying that stock runs are also bugged now? If so that's pretty damn stupid.
  19. Basically this is the reason that I gave up on Haswell Waiting to see what Broadwell offers but not expecting much Maybe Haswell-E will be different?
  20. Moose calm down mate, you've got your PCMark report rage going on again As far as I can see he's done nothing wrong to get a bugged result as he's just ran at stock settings? Forgive me if I'm wrong but as far as I can tell this is a legit score?
  21. ^^ This, I posted it in the CPU section too
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