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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I could do for tbe extra postage cost but I don't think it would be worth your time or money then.
  2. Oh wow, for some reason I thought it was a lot more than that. That's not too bad.
  3. Not done a lot of benching with 3D01 practically 0 actually, but isn't that to do with the barrel movement and other things being rendered in the scene so it's fine since there isn't a lot we can do about it?
  4. How many Haswell CPUs have you been through now???
  5. Agreed, I think the damage has been done here now, there are too many bugged results for people to go searching through every result in the database and people know how to achieve these bugged scpres and almost cheat the system effectively. We really do need a solid benchmark that is consistent across the board for global points.
  6. It could also be that your particular model has a lower stock voltage compared to other models to help keep temps as low as possible. If the card is just a benching card and can be abused then I would suggest you look into volt modding the card to get the most out of it on air cooling. You will need a volt meeter, soldering iron, variable resistors and a steady hand. There is a volt modding section on the forum if you want help with your particular model or want to learn more about it.
  7. I screenshotted the first 10 results and was going to do it for every run but in the end just kept running it until I got what I would think is a bugged run. I can't attach anything right now since I'm on my mobile and my route has many tunnels so I lose signal often. But just as an example of what I got, all results were inbetween 365-385 but usually around 380. Nothing out of the ordinary and I have had 412 previously when the laptop was plugged into the socket and running at max frequency.
  8. So I was doing some testing on a 3 hour train journey home, hoping to reproduce the results other people have had using my trinity laptop. After 30 runs I just gave up. Not a single bugged run so is it actually all to do with the command line or is there something else too?? My system : A10-4600M Regular Win 8 install Command line : unrar bench - cf=XOP -cpus =8,45,64 test.rar -ri7 So this could mean one of many things, 1) I did the command line wrong like a noob 2) it isn't affected with AMD CPUs or the XOP function. 3) I was just unlucky not to get a bugged run 4) doesn't happen on windows 8? 5) other tweaks need to be applied for thethe bugged run to happen I.e. end processes ect. 6) I'm sure there are loads of other things it could be but I don't want the list to go on forever Any input would be appreciated, cheers
  9. 4770K sold
  10. If you can reproduce that and prove that the -ri command is the cause of the bugged runs then I say we just ban that command like we have banned tweaks from other benchmarks.
  11. How? I have a lot of learning to do with this benchmark it seems, very nice result!
  12. First up is my 4770K which has been used in my 24/7 rig @ 4.4GHz. The CPU looks as good as new and has been kept cool for all it's life with a Dark Rock Pro 2 first and more recently with a H100. Price is £190 inc postage and is for the CPU only. Secondly we have my backup graphics card turned benching toy, the GTS 250. Has not really done much since I got it a couple of years ago, was won in a motherboard bundle and I had no use for it at the time so was just a spare in case my 4890 died (which it did). Has been used for a couple of benchmarks on HWBot since and was stable @ 811/1251/2018 for Vantage. Price is £25 inc postage. Payment for both items can be made with PPG or BT. If you have any questions about the items then feel free to ask.
  13. what do people regard as a good VID then, mine has a vid of 1.064V and it isn't the best to say the least.
  14. As Borandi pointed out, it's quite obvious that both submissions are there if you look carefully.
  15. 7c??? Jesus how cold is it in there or are the temp probes on the CPU completely innacurate?
  16. Yeah cheers for the advice moose. Was all set up to do some testing but very strong winds here has left us without power all day and it has only just come back on now. Hopefully I can get some prep work done tonight and then some testing tomorrow
  17. I'm at a loss too I'll delete the scores and resubmit them to see if that makes a difference. Edit : That did not work either, how odd.
  18. As expected a comfortable gold really with more headroom to go! Well done though dude, hopefully I can find one in the UK which doesn't cost me £300+
  19. Nope, still not getting the points for some reason.
  20. just noticed a couple of submissions where I have the best score on the team but I'm not receiving any hardware team power points for it. I have recalculated the submissions and that didn't seem to make any difference for to the result. Will have a quick check for other results tomorrow when I get a chance but I think it's just these two that are an issue. http://hwbot.org/submission/2494204_obscureparadox_superpi___1m_core_i7_4770k_6sec_266ms http://hwbot.org/submission/2494252_obscureparadox_pifast_core_i7_4770k_11.75_sec
  21. For the guys who have this bench figured out, what sort of score should I be looking to get for a 4.5GHz i7 4770K and what OS should I be using?
  22. I had this issue when playing about with a 8970M recently and would love to know what the solution to this is.
  23. Unfortunately nobody understands the language well enough to make an accurate app
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