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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this and I am almost certain this has been asked before, but if a water chiller has been used does the user then have to move to thr OC league as their submissions are made using sub ambient cooling? Thanks for your time.
  2. Is there a money back guarantee on the beat 8 Pack scores button?
  3. Stock cooling is fine but it wouldnt have made much of a difference really since its ambient cooling all the same The 0V business I assume is just XTU being unable to detect the voltage of the CPU so it's just reporting it at 0. More volts = more MHz as long as it is kept cool enough. The extra power limit is better since you will use more power when your CPU is overclocked so a higher limit is always better You might want to turn off firefox and thunderbird + any other program yiu might have running at that time to get the absolute best scores possible. Every little helps
  4. Post some high res pics of the VR area and try to get one of the VR itself.
  5. try playing about with the cache ration too, set that to x40 and see if you are stable at lower voltage then. At the moment it's not looking that good a chip I'm afraid
  6. Very nice results again bud, shame about the card, hopefully you can get it working again
  7. Very impressive first sub zero result. Welcome to the OC league
  8. As the title above states, looking for some parts for a new build for a friend. Budget wise I'm looking at around £80 for the CPU and Motherboard, £80 for the GPU and £40 for the ram. Good clockers not important as the build will only be lightly overclocked anyway. For reference I would be looking at possibly a 7850 GPU and a 1156 motherboard and CPU. If you have any of the above or similar then please feel free to post and I will get back to you. On a very very tight budget so after some bargains Many thanks. Lewis.
  9. Incredible CPU and fantastic score, well done mate
  10. I remember kenny modding it at Long Eaton I think. Nice result anyway hopefully there is more in the tank
  11. Nice score mate, what was the cold bug on this chip?
  12. I am wondering the same as infared as I would like to join the legacy and AMD leagues if at all possible.
  13. Very nice result, looking forward to getting one of these now myself
  14. Scottish winter air is a lot cooler than ours so you have an unfair advantage
  15. I didn't really look at the screenshot and didn't see a GPU-Z tab so just asked the question Good to know kinda thought that would be the answer
  16. Very nice result as always moose, looking forward to seeing what sort of score you are going to be able to get with that 4770K Edit : Have you tried the 290X out on 05 yet and does it give you better results over the 7970?
  17. You have to rent or buy a dewar and also pay for the LN2. Costs £1.20 inc tax per litre for LN2 for me and I can't remember the dewar costs but i think it was around £60 to hire a 50L dewar for a month. That's with Mansfield Cryogenics.
  18. You got PM.
  19. Would not do it, I like my football too much to give it up.
  20. Nice score dude, what sort of cold bug did you get with the chip?
  21. Very interesting results, thank you very much for doing that. So it seems that both odd numbers and -ri is an issue.
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