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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I would assume that the one being showed in E-leet is in fact the correct voltage. Are there any voltage read points on the motherboard to confirm this??
  2. Nice score mate, I'm looking forward to giving my dual core another go myself now.
  3. 3331B514 Passed Cinebench @ 5.6GHz with 1.7V Was only a quick test as we were running out of LN2 so it might be capable of more.
  4. It is a requirement for a top 20 Global so we actually do need a screenshot with this submission
  5. wait wait wait. WHAT!!!!!!! Where do you buy such a beautiful piece of kit. I have much doge to spend on it. In all seriousness though if I can get hold of an adapter then that would be better than getting my P4C800-E cold again.
  6. A feel a bit sorry for this guy, is there anyone here to explain to him in Spanish? I don't want him to get downhearted and just give up.
  7. I just wanna give this one another bump again
  8. They are bulging pretty badly so I suppose yes they are leaking. But I would prefer to replace them with solid caps but I don't know what to search to find them.
  9. Oh I know that but it just can't keep a CPU stable anyway I'll have a look to see what I can come across.
  10. Would this not just be a case of wPrime usually has a core finish slower than the other anyway + if it's wPrime 1024M that sounds normal enough.
  11. Oh yeah tell me about it. Now the caps are starting to go on them I can't get any decent overclock stable
  12. Hi there guys, I've got two NF3 250gb boards here which need the caps changing on them. Since they need to be changed, I though that maybe putting solid caps on them might help a little tiny bit as it should reduce the ripple going to the cpu. What I need to know is whether or not it will be a case of finding the exact same rated capacitor in polymer form or whether it was a bit more complicated than that. The caps that need changing are : 6 x 6.3v 3300 uF 4 x 16v 1500 uF 1 x 10v 1000 uF Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
  13. bumpy bumpy
  14. I believe less stressful as I seem to remember being able to run Cinebench at 100MHz higher than the Vantage CPU test when playing with my hasfail CPU
  15. Cheeky little bump.
  16. I'm in agreement with Hyperhorn, whenever I see someone doing something with old hardware I have a sneeky suspicion that it's going to be a thread of yours Trodas. On a side note where do you got those heatsinks from they are huge Keep going bro!
  17. That moment where Sniper Oz gets the CPU-Z record for the CPU by almost 100MHz and it's still stable enough to do a multi-threaded benchmark
  18. After the above board, not after any of the other NF4 boards just that one as I personally think it's the best of the lot. Let me know of you have one to sell and how much yyu want for it.
  19. Hey guys, Just after the opinion of those who have tried benching Ivy-E with both motherboards really. Is it really worth getting the RIVE BE to bench my 4930K sub zero and am I really likely to see any gains other than potentially more ram speed? I.E. would you say it's likely that I would get more CPU MHz out of the RIVE BE or should I just stick to my regular RIVE?? Cheers guys and thanks once again for your help
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