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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. Have no idea - as you can see, this was done with 1.64. Try to write a letter to Franck. I thought 1.65 is the latest, didn't here about 1.65.1.
  2. El Gappo, what's this about? Results population is going to be cut by age again? Global (like the previous attempt) or hardware too?
  3. Well, they do have AM3/AM3+ stuff as I know. And there's definitely a 3770K (and Intel outcast among AMD guys)
  4. Something like "Rev. 3 strikes back"? Using oldware to get top10 - that's more than impressive.
  5. The search submissions page http://www.hwbot.org/search/submissions lacks of "Any benchmark" option which was selected by default. Would be nice to get it back. Or even more - to get a "3D benchmarks", "2D benchmarks" options.
  6. LOL, learn what QPB (quad pumped bus) is. Gallatin is Prestonia + L3 cache. L3 stands for Level 3. Both Prestonia and Gallatin have 512KB L2 because they're the same (except L3).Gallatin CPUs have from 1MB up to 4MB L3 cache. This is a dead end: I've been checking the Xeon categories for several weeks recently making reports and requesting results to be in the proper categories. And don't post any ark.intel.com links - this resource is dead dumb and can't be trusted. I've reported errors since they day they've shut down the processorfinder.com (a wonderful resource) - and nothing. Even my friends from Intel couldn't help - no one is interested in fixing errors there.
  7. http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/processor/xeon_28ghz_fsb100/ - that's the one. The 1MB L3 is Gallatin (Prestonia+L3 cache).
  8. Totally with Mr.Scott on this one. It's all about fun. Love the old and rare too. I honor DT's opinion for realizing the situation while being
  9. Thank you guys. I suggest mixed categories should receive only global/WR points. Otherwise it will give too much possibilities to cut the corners. In fact, using mixed configs to submit in non-standard global categories is already cutting the corners but a rather legal one. Mr. Paco, I assume you to be the first who runs a system with 8 different CPUs?
  10. A "mixed CPU configuration" checkbox on the submit page a manual selection of core count giving only global, and no h/w points should be a nice solution.
  11. I think there should be an update to the rules regulating such a case. For GPUs the was a rule that "lower GPU+higher GPU = dual higher GPU". Meaning 4850+4870 = dual 4870. So that it does allow to get some points with two cards without making flaws in the system. Maybe we should make "global points only" submissions so you can manually set the core count for mixed submissions but not give any hardware points for them.
  12. You me tell me of red, yeah
  13. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/celeron_s478_330/ - this one
  14. Ticket ID: 1709 Priority: Medium This user\'s name appears wrong in rankings: http://www.hwbot.org/user/hannibal/\r\n\r\nhttp://www.hwbot.org/hardware/processor/k6_2_570mhz/ - rename this to K6-2+, it\'s not a regular K6-2.
  15. HP ProBook 4510s - http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2766297
  16. Ticket ID: 1707 Priority: Medium 1) Delete http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/processor/xeon_24ghz_1mb_l3_fsb100/\r\n\r\n2) Create Xeon 3.0Ghz (Prestonia)
  17. And Winchip 2B 200 CPU (no valid, it died)
  18. Ticket ID: 1706 Priority: Medium Abit ST6E: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2816199\r\nECS 945GZT-M: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2814542\r\nPC Partner AM-639BX: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2814543
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