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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. TiN was born with a soldering iron in his hand - make sure that guys tells the same
  2. Lol
  3. DrSwizz, you uploaded two validation files. I asked to the "TXT report" it's on the last tab, the "About" one.
  4. I'm not rushing anywhere Anyway it's up to Franck when he has time to implement this. And at this moment he doesn't. So it doesn't change anything.
  5. No, the version doesn't matter, thank you!
  6. Yes, it's informative because a very simple reason - the 486 especially Intel's did have the CPUID feature but they showed the registers values only on reset - that's why BIOS can figure out the CPU but software is not so precise. Very smart decision. I hope the popularity of this family will increase. P.S. can you tell, whether CPU-Z is able to recognize any of your 486? I see you have ones from Intel, AMD and Cyrix. If yes, a picture of CPU-Z would be nice
  7. I suggest everyone to use this method. I'll check for more frequency detecting software so we can be sure it's valid.
  8. As I said - two CPU-Z reports in txt with only the memory speed (synch and asynch) being changed would be very nice.And please, name the files correspondent. Or type a comment which one is it. Reports from more people is always better than from one - to be sure. Bones, I can suggest Everest - did read type of memory (EDO/FPM) on 430TX and timings. A new CPU-Z is out but Franck said that he wasn't able to add all the stuff I asked yet. When he'll have free time, he'll do it. I've sent a number of reports on various chipsets and processor identification bugs and parts of datasheets that could help him. But I wasn't able to test all of the hardware yet to say him what is wrong and how to fix this.
  9. Edit signature => custom signature. There definitely should be a checkbox there
  10. Thanks for the smilies Completely forgot about this.
  11. Agree. And how about fixing a bug when Firefox can't edit a message quickly? You check edit, edit it and press "post" - and it's going and going and going You have to go to advanced and submit from there. I've seen another vbulletin forum with this bug and one - without it. I hope this one will be from the second category soon
  12. It's a pity that short SIMMs aren't in the competition
  13. Maybe recalculate them once a day or a week? When most sleep, I suppose about 2 AM GMT.
  14. Massman, can you fix the bug? It's a common issue when the result was incorrect or fake and the person still has the achievement. For example, this one: http://hwbot.org/community/achievement/804_joined_the_8ghz_club Who are these people?
  15. Interesting catch. Though not everybody writes what voltage he's running at. In case of TaPaKaH it's important, he's crazy on this
  16. MultiGPU shouldn't be taken in account - there's a number of factors that have a greater influence than in single-GPU. For the overclocking - yes, I agree. But what about performance? This is the main bitch for the MoBo - is the best MoBo selected by BCLK, it's memory overclocking capabilities (both timings and frequency) or the CPU frequency? Or is it CPU performance? Or memory performance? Not taking the PCI-E overclockability, for example and CB/CBB. I suggest to start from the easiest - when glitches are wiped out, you'll have experience how to handle several factors between each other, it'll be more easy. I'll think of this if I get what you want. ATM I don't see all of the picture - the usage and what's it aimed at or whom.
  17. The motherboard is the hardest thing. It's obviously the highest Bus clock it can achieve, the overall frequency, the memory frequency and timings in Pi 32M/Pifast and efficiency in Pi 1M/32M. It's very tough to calculate it though. The CPU is divided by 3D and 2D. 2D is divided at least by multithread and singlethread applications. 3D can be divided too. Both overclocking and frequency are important as well as CPU score for example. It is possible to make charts for each application were hardware can be compared. But an overall chart... too complex for the recent info given in submissions.
  18. There's a couple of mistakes in the instructions. stabilization an to => about? Superpi respective will shutdown same here isn't it "being left unchanged"? applicationSome weird stuff with the syntax like this:
  19. All attempts of running NT4.0 on 386 that I've heard of were unsuccessful. Turrincan, are you planning to bench faster 486 CPUs? Like DX4-100, DX4-120 and X5-133? your board can do at least 40MHz FSB.
  20. I was supposing something like that. Anyway, it can help in some cases. Thanks for the explanation.
  21. Nice one, Mutant Tractor! So that's why you were asking about CDT on OCX. So the "start wPrime tweak" sets only realtime and Pifast tweak - sets affinity and realtime only? Or there are additional features? Anyway it's a very handful tool! Especially closing explorer and this app on tweak apply.
  22. A 24 pin PSU will be fine if you can fit it. I've got a separatable 24 pin connector. But even if yours is solid it sometimes can still fit the board. If it fits, it'll work. Yep, there's additional +3.3V, 5V, 12V and ground - one of each.
  23. You are a mad man! I wanted to run this stuff first, you've overtaken me. Congratulations. I've got some socket 3 stuff, one of them was still used at work till yesterday. But they got a new PC and I got a new toy to play with
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