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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. What exactly you mean under the american region? USA, Canada or the countries too from both Americas? Write a letter to richba5tard or make a thread in a forum if you want such
  2. The problem is that it's the o/c league ranking. But the hardware league ranking doesn't work for countries and regions.
  3. Hondacity You must've missed something http://hwbot.org/rankings/overclocker/region/asia
  4. I know about the overload. But if the calculations are right it's overloaded more than 50% above it's wattage!
  5. Well, why not? If you do so, it would be nice to fix the country's and region's hardware rankings (the o/c league works fine, the hardware one doesn't).
  6. Yeah, that's what I was planning to push on if the "socket king" idea has been accepted I got the benchmark achievement right the day I've read the news about jabski taking almost all Core2 PCMark05 golden cups.
  7. Then how did the Antec 1200 manage to power two Gulftowns and four GTX480?
  8. Then you'll have a chance to say that the girl caught attention and the bencher swapped CPUs at the moment
  9. I remember. And I'm pretty sure that the weather in UK is better than in my city on the other side of the Earth I'm sure that your livestream will beat the records of popularity
  10. You think you're the only one who does so in the summer? Well, maybe not K404
  11. Means both (?!) opened categories for 1.4 will be (someday ) deleted? I had such thoughts that it doesn't exist because there's nothing on CPU world: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_4/TYPE-Desktop%20Pentium%204%20Northwood.html It's not a full database but a very good one for sure. And the stepping is a bit too good for such low speed.
  12. I know. The idea is different. If the achievements like water, sub-zero and vendors don't say anything about how good is the result, I suggest in adding some that do. And if now it's just a "bench and you'll get it anyway" I suggest a "hardware king" in a specific hardware category. I think it's better to divide by socket, though sometimes can be done by core in addition (if there's a lot of cores within one socket). It's a challenge achievement, like our king's throne But there are guys, like orange, who has best socket 3 results (not to mention Turrican who is best in a number of categories and even sockets). If kicking Hardware Kings ass is a very tough one then making so in one socket is far more real. Same to dual socket - this can be even more fun as it's much harder to push 'em. And I agree about the important statuses being shown in profile and signature.
  13. Agree about the Junkie reward. I've already suggested some achievements in e-mails but one I remember well: "Socket yyy domination" or "Socket yyy king". For getting most boints on current socket type. For example, LGA775 or others. I think this should be applied only to rather usual one, bot like the AMD s539 or what it was? Oh, yeah - and a "dual socket king" or "dual socket domination" as well - you can't achieve any good points on them since rev.3 so at least an achievement would be nice. But for desktop/WS socket only. I'll try to remember some more.
  14. Nice! But you brought it not for Superpi, did you? If you're going to extreme and high frequencies, I would suggest to get a dual-core. Our member used a Phenom II X4 965 and it made bad to the PWM. Now, under high load the voltage drops about 0,2-0,25V and this is very high. As you understand this is not the time that you can turn the FB resistor a bit further. I think that this happened because the voltage regulator is kind of weak for quad cores. And you don't need quads in almost all but one benchmarks.
  15. Looking forward to see an excellent review pretty much like the AsRock LGA775 was. I managed to find such a board in our city and send to my team member, looking at the results I can say that he has made good use of it.
  16. richba5tard, why delete? ES don't achieve boints before the release anyway now. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=58990&postcount=281 - I've already written about this case.
  17. The "alt" parameter (that is displayed when the picture is not available) for the flag pictures contains a mistake: "costom flag" instead of "custom flag".
  18. Thank you! I've got a secret. I've been studying in a school in Singapore (English - official language) for 1.5 years and after that - a year in Sydney. That was in 93-94, a bit of knowledge remains in my head after these years And I prefer manuals, datasheets and hardware specs in English - sometimes I can't say what these interpretors meaned by their words. Or what kind of stuff did they take Well, I know and I'm more used to the UK (because of Australia) type. But everyone call it "English" and "British English" not the "English" and "American English" - this world isn't fair at all
  19. Oh, that's good that you mentioned that Only one remains - you to understand the reason why several countries can't be called the name of one and we're done.
  20. Lazy it's not the point where it really is. Well' date=' I did have a look and it changes nothing - yes, it can be called as a country of South Africa region. And relax - no one here is about politics, it's just convenience. A bit of nostalgia maybe. So stop these silly things about the reds are back and so on. It's not about the government - only the [b']name[/b] of a place, nothing more. We've never been agressive and defended our land since ages, but not attacked. The last statement is not the subject, so no need to reply on it
  21. That time the story was different - everyone agreed that the ES don't perform better and usually perform even worse than retails. This is the point, the only one as I see.
  22. You think only Belgian? Guys, I'm kind of a noob and even the ES costs too much for me atm, but I've got an idea. All thus buzzing began only when the ES became overclocking better than retail samples, yes? Nobody minds of using an older ES CPU - it's even worse than retail usually. The situation was new with Clarks and Gulfs. Benchzowner, I don't agree with your statement about "people knew that ES will be restricted sooner or later" - no. The HWBot state was "they are allowed after their retail equivalent is available". And everybody who asked (people didn't take risk) where answered to as above. So why don't we make the above statement a bit more wide? "ES are allowed after their retail equivalent hits the shelf and it's not dramatically better (doesn't give an unbeatable gain)". But you have to think that not everyone in this world gets ES for free. Yes, I've seen a foto when a member of our countries team is near a tray with about 20 CPUs. And some other teams won't be able to even have a look at Gulftown this year. But some maybe have the money and buy it. But they buy it specially for benching because it's allowed. So I agree with Massman. And I suggest to make the rule wider but for the next generations. I don't think somebody has an outstanding Sandy bridge now that can rip the future retails. But we can later see the ES capabilities, compare to retails and see whether it should be allowed or disallowed. And another one - in case of disallowement, they should have differences that can be verified by software - or how will you say is it a ES or no? P.S. sorry for too many words
  23. H-m, add a question on the registration page - "How much hardware did you kill by overclocking?" and kick everyone who didn't so the go an gain some experience?
  24. I don't know were Lesotho is. Another example - if we talk about Germany, France, UK and Benelux would it be normal to refer to their people as UK? If we talk about people from a region, yes anyone from UK, Germany and France would be a European, no? South Africa is too complicated - I can't differ are you talking about a country (and which one of them?) or a region. Again, try to remember any alliance, for example the APEC - they can be referred to as Asian-Pacific countries, why not? I don't even mention Asia.
  25. You might forget that USSR<=>Russia. The region that is being discussed includes Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazahstan (franly, I don't know why other countries are not included but for us we mostly communicate within three of these than others of exUSSR). So naming Ukraine and Belarus would be a very big mistake. I don't even mention Ukrainian nationalists - there's none (I hope) of them within hardware community. But at least it would be inpolite.
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