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8 Pack

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Everything posted by 8 Pack

  1. The toilet paper on teh board is for the rusty bullet?? Great run mate.
  2. Romans delid tool is great for the job no strength needed. Sof stop being a tool.
  3. Oh ok. I still would expect you to be using Corsair mems and pospone your session to do so. As they not Kingston pay your wages. Seems like in many other subs you are also using a competitors product.
  4. Ronaldo Corsair is a large memory vendor who is paying your wages may I ask as a customer and reseller of Corsair why you are using Kingston mems? This would worry me to employ someone who does not have confidence in there own product. Great Galax card.
  5. Nice mate.
  6. Shout it out LOUD!! Nicely done- Remember a pig is a Cop!!
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