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Everything posted by newlife

  1. Pencil mod would be the best way to test with a low risk of damage. Basically find the resistor connected to OFS and read the resistance and draw across it with a pencil and read resistance again and if lowered test to see if the volts changed. Just note software may not read a change and you may need to use dmm to check from one of the chokes or caps
  2. I think that's because it has a dynamic vid and it changes it based what set by the bios I've had a quick look at the datasheet and it seems OFS pin controls an offset voltage which should allow you set up to +175mv before ovp will trip which when combined with 1.4v set in the bios should allow up to 1.575v As for ocp I have no idea if it will trip with the volts you are after
  3. First what you need to do is identify the mosfet controller as it will likely be fb to gnd with a trimmer around 20x the resistance that's unless a modded/extreme bios for it is around Just to throw it out there they could've had a pretty good reason for only allowing 1.4v on p4 but I have NFI Edit: If you can't find it try and upload some high res photos of the top half of the board (mainly around cpu mosfets and i/o) and I'll try and help
  4. With a gt610 3dmark 01 isn't cpu limited, it's all on the gpu and is the same for 05 I know because of the comps run on OCAU
  5. IMO, the benchs should be 3dmark 01 3dmark 03 3dmark 05 Heaven basic Possibly Vantage if just the graphics score (but any 3dmark would work although fs doesn't run well on old/cheap cards) That way even AMD could be competitive and the cpu doesn't matter also gpupi doesn't work on cheap gpus as they lack double precision support
  6. I went through that phase at around the end of last year because I killed my awesome 780 classy and my Z97X-SOC Force I won in same day from totally different reasons but I ended up going AMD instead of quitting (which is about as good as doing so) and selling my average 4770k which I now regret because in Australia they are worth a lot more money then when I sold it
  7. Maybe this will be up your alley lol https://click.intel.com/tuningplan/
  8. The kernel I'm using is a modified version of that
  9. With about 4300 with this kernel/rom I still had some throttling Also rom is venom one
  10. Not all my secrets just main ones and best of luck mate throttling is a real PITA
  11. I thought it was better because the heat issues weren't as bad and managed to sort out the issue with cold and set a new phone record without any throttling
  12. ElementalX experimental OC kernel and in the freezer
  13. ElementalX experimental OC kernel and in a freezer
  14. Na freezer the thing bugs out somewhere below 0c though and yes 37c load the snapdragon 810 is stupid hot SoC and spends 99% of the time throttling, hell it even comes out faster with 2 cores instead of 4
  15. ElementalX experimental OC kernel - has heat issues and scores no higher because of it but it does show increased single threaded performance
  16. Some love for kabini http://hwbot.org/submission/2938498_
  17. Is possible to guess the FB pin by testing the resistance and doing a pencil mod to see if the voltage changes but no idea about IMON
  18. newlife


    Buying DimasTech products in Australia is my life dream
  19. If you didn't use PSCheck it should still have some nice improvements in store
  20. They seem like some pretty good BBSE given the one kit I tried gave up at 2400 c9
  21. check here to do in dos http://www.tonymacx86.com/bios-uefi/131047-how-update-your-gigabyte-motherboards-bios.html
  22. 27c if full load isn't that bad for Dice given I had a 780 which I used a tek9 slim and Dice and it would reach 40-50c which taught me not to use a slim with Dice
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