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  1. pmed for 2500c9 kit
  2. I think 14-13-13 is quite hard for most of kits especially super pi. ?
  3. is that a sample board or retail board?
  4. Is rex ship to china?
  5. mine,Alex@ro
  6. you are absolutely right
  7. you should leave us chance for Michael's goodies。@_@
  8. pmed...
  9. how about the 1.94A beta bios?
  10. Exactly the truth. 从我的 iPhone å‘é€ï¼Œä½¿ç”¨ Tapatalk
  11. Where is the godlike team kit? 从我的 iPhone å‘é€ï¼Œä½¿ç”¨ Tapatalk
  12. shipping cost sucks....
  13. awesome, should have a DFI backup, too
  14. don't be hesitated, just sell the last two to me:D
  15. Bbbbbbbump 从我的 iPhone å‘é€ï¼Œä½¿ç”¨ Tapatalk
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