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Everything posted by buildzoid

  1. I know I have both 8 pins plugged in.
  2. I'm trying to run my E-powered GTX 590 and the card doesn't want to start. To make things worse the POST code on my RIVE doesn't works only the debug LEDs do. So all I know is that I have a GPU problem of some kind. When I was soldering on the E-power I managed to drip solder on the PCI-e pins however I've tried to fix them and as far as my DMM is concerned all of them are fixed. Now they may not be making good contact but is it possible that I need to provide a PWR_GOOD signal when using the E-power? I ripped of both the VR controllers so I thought that I don't need to deal with any PWR-GOOD signals. Is that correct?
  3. Dude the 4790K is considered a quad core on HWbot not an 8 core. 8 threads =/= 8 cores. I've moved it to the quad core category.
  4. 300A per core right? because a GTX 590 is 300A to the cores at stock.
  5. I thought phase change was more efficient. So at like -10C with a 200W load the phase change cooler would use less power than the TEC. But if their equal I think I'm going to upscale my design to 600W for use with AMD CPUs.
  6. well I guess most people wouldn't be OK with using 400+W 24/7 so I see your point.
  7. It just has to go bellow 0 doesn't it?
  8. I'm working on a 24/7 400W TEC setup. It will idle subzero for sure but it won't hold under load. It might be able to keep Broadwell subzero even under load but I already have a 4.8Ghz 4790K on order so I won't know for sure.
  9. You could also just buy prebinned chips from here: http://siliconlottery.com/collections/all. The owner told me new stock is coming in next week so you might be able to get one of the 4.7GHz 5820Ks
  10. Yeah you need a different board. The Gigabyte A88X-D3H does 1.75V core voltage on maximum offset and extreme LLC. The ASUS A88X-PRO does up to 1.9V on the core. I have an Asrock A85X Extreme 6 with an LN2 BIOS that I want to get rid off so if you're in the and you want it we can make a deal.
  11. I recently started a team for r/overclocking on reddit and I've had almost everyone ask me about how to join the team because the team page doesn't have a join button and the drop down menu hidden in the My Account page is really hard to find for most people.
  12. I'm not using LN2 and assuming clocks of 1Ghz at 1.4V I should only need 800A(and I don't even plan to go that far). The MOSFETs on the E-power do 60A at 125C and there's 14 of them so it should be fine. Plus the OCP is 900A.
  13. It's a Duwi DMT 7977. As for why it won't start. When I was soldering the wires I has some solder drip onto my PCI-e pins and pin 17 and 16 on the side with the cores are gone so I'll need to fix them. I can't fit the card into my main system so I'm waiting waiting to get my new benching rig up and running before I try run the card again. I pulled the PWM controllers off the card and so I'm not sure if there is an issue with the PWR good signal since the public data sheet for the CHL8266 is 2 pages and doesn't give any details on how the chip works. Also do you think 30 12AWG wires for +V and 30 for GND is enough or do I need to add even more?
  14. I'm E-powering a GTX 590 and I'm using only 1 E-power so the VCC of the cores is bridged(I have more wires on one plain that the other so I want them to share current) cutting down the resistance from VCC to GND. This a problem because when I measure GND to GND I get 0.3/0.2ohm and when I measure VCC to GND I get 0.5/0.6ohm. This means 1 of 2 things I have a small short or each of the GF 110 cores is has a resistance of about 1.1 or 1 ohms so combined I'd have 0.5ohms through them to GND. So could anyone give me how much the VCC to GND of a single GF 110 is? Because if it's 1 ohm I can stop messing around with looking for a short that doesn't exist. The multimeter I'm using just read 1.8ohms VCC to GND on an HD 5850 so I'm just going to assume that my shared voltage plane is cutting the resistance of the GTX 590 in half and I'll try run the card in 16 hours. Stop me before I kill it please... EDIT: there is no short on the card but due to some other issues that I know how to solve it won't start
  15. The super asymmetrical setups (260 with a 6970 for example) could just all be ranked by the number of GPUs used and not eligible for hardware points. I just want to use the R9 290X + R7 260X + 5850 setup because I want to get global points I don't care about hardware points with a setup as bizarre as that.
  16. Watch your GPU temps. I just finished benching another round of 1B with my R9 290X and if my temp went above a certain temperature before the test finished I'd get an invalid result. I wait for the GPU to drop down to around 36C before I run 1B because it finishes before the GPU gets above 65C and bellow that temp 1203/1634 is stable but above that it starts making calculation errors. BTW what's the policy on using different GPUs in parallel? because I have 260X and HD 5850 available for use.
  17. this was on my 24/7 windows install because I managed to completely broke my benching install.
  18. I remounted the CPU. Used 2 different motherboards and 2 different kits of RAM in 8 different slot configurations. Channel B is screwed and I never had my NB voltage above 1.375V so channel B died from VDIMM. Well that's freaking perfect. I'm using my A88X system as a sort of try stupid stuff test bench which obviously includes high RAM voltage. Now it looks like I need to get a haswell chip to do that.
  19. I managed to fry memory channel B on my 750K by using too high VDIMM(1.85V). I need to know if Kaveri has the same low memory voltage tolerance or will it be OK for about 100 hours at 1.85 VDIMM?
  20. Dammit I was hoping that the IMC would be similar to the one on the FX chips which according to AMD can do 1.8V 24/7. Might need to try a 860K hopefully it's a little sturdier.
  21. See if the board was faulty I can just return it using the local law on no questions asked return when returned within 14 days of purchase. I still have some doubts about the CPU because I took really good care of this one and never gave the NB more than 1.36V(DMM). But at least I know the RAM is fine.
  22. Ok now even the PSC kit doesn't work so I either fried the NB(I'm pretty good at doing that) or the CPU moved in it's socket. reseated the CPU still no channel B. I guess I killed the NB
  23. The board is fine it ran a really shoddy PSC kit up to 2300 9-12-11-28-1T on 1.85V in dual channel. Though this board's BIOS is completely incapable of setting subtimings for that kit so I had to do it all manually. Might be the reason why the OCZs have a problem. The sticks are double sided. I can also test them on my Rampage.
  24. So I recently got a 3x2GB set of OCZ gold series RAM. Their rated at 1600 8-8-8-24-2T 1.65V. As far as I can tell they only have standard JEDEC tables and the 1600 spec is just on paper the RAM won't default to it in DOCP mode. I can get it to boot just fine running 1 or 2 sticks in channel A but 1 stick in A and B gives me only 2GB of RAM. If I try to boot 1 stick in channel B it won't boot at all always resetting on postcode 84. I'm not sure about the ICs but they are able to boot 2400 10-10-10-30 on 1.8V and don't seem to scale above 1.8V.
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