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Everything posted by buildzoid

  1. I hope you have your wallet setup. If you do just PM the address so I can send you the prize money.
  2. I hope you have your wallet setup. If you do just PM the address so I can send you the prize money.
  3. I hope you have your wallet setup. If you do just PM the address so I can send you the prize money.
  4. I hope you have your wallet setup. If you do just PM the address so I can send you the prize money.
  5. Nice score I hope you have a wallet setup because I'll be sending the prizes later today.
  6. I'll delay giving him a prize. If he can give a video proof in 48 hours that he can get within 100ms of that time with those settings I'll take it as a valid score.
  7. Some people say this score is impossible with these settings I personally have no idea and I can't tell what OS you're running so I have a proposal for you. You make a VIDEO VALIDATION(with a camera not a screen recording) in 48 hours of how you go this score with theses settings if you can get within 250ms of this score in the video the score is fair.
  8. Now I'm glad that my bro bought a Noctua HS.
  9. They have voltage control but more importantly CCC allows you to turn off tessellation, this is a legal tweak on HWbot so all AMD users run the benchmarks without tess and get higher scores even with lower clocks.
  10. Well I'll trial both with low volts (1.2V) to see how they behave under load. If PT1 isn't too bad I'll use PT1.
  11. How much Vdroop does PT1 have? because I just want to set a static 1.3-1.375V(starts at 1.4V but drops way bellow once the core temps ramp up) on the core.
  12. I have a gigabyte R9 290X and I got sick and tired if adaptive voltage messing with stability so I decided to flash the PT3 bios that shamino put out. However after flashing the card with ATIWinFlash I restarted the computer and got all the way into windows to find out that nothing could recognize my GPU. I tried a second restart and same thing. The AMD driver nor windows nor gpu-z could recognize the gpu. So I flashed the gpu back to the gigabyte BIOS and it works again however I have no ideas to why PT3 won't work and I really want to get rid of the adaptive voltage that ramps my card down bellow 1.2v once it hits 80c regardless of the offset that I set So does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or why it won't work?
  13. Dude your photo doesn't match the GPU you used.
  14. Because AMD drivers allow you to over ride tesselation and driver tweaking is allowed according to the HWbot rules so most AMD uses disable tessellation.
  15. So I recently stopped using the original release BIOS from 2011 for my RIVE and now I lose one of my sticks of ram every time I try to run 5Ghz regardless of voltage ram voltage/timings/frequency. I boot up the BIOS see all 4 sticks and once I'm in windows and check Task manager I'm at 12GB. Once I reboot to BIOS, my A channel stick has it's frequency set to 1600 and timings to 10-10-10-28 but still doesn't get recognized in windows. Anyone know what could be the cause before I start searching for a different BIOS or switch back to the initial release one?
  16. If this gets enough interest I'll try to get another one of these organized in winter. With some completely open stages and some stages with restrictions similar to the ones there are now.
  17. What method did you use because I tried practicing on a dead A10-6800K and completely wrecked it in the process.
  18. Is the Rampage V Extreme the only board that has the ability to disable specific cores or do all ASUS boards have that?
  19. Ok then NO LN2 ON RAM either
  20. Sorry man I know the rules didn't say anything about ram cooling restrictions but I though that if LN2 on the CPU was banned people would assume the same for ram. So I'm removing this score. I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding and I'll get the rules up to date ASAP.
  21. I intended for this to be a completely LN2 free competition but since it wasn't in the rules and someone already posted an LN2 RAM score I'm not sure if it would be fair for me to ban LN2 now. I wanted this competition to be accessible even to people who don't have access to LN2 so no LN2 is not allowed on anything. I hope I'm not screwing to many people over but no LN2 on RAM or anything else.
  22. My ram is a little messed up for some reason on 12GB show up in the OS instead of 16GB
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