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Everything posted by techjesse

  1. Nice Bench...4c/4t at 1.8v killing it! YEAH! :)
  2. I flashed the new BIOS 1901, really help oc on the ram... running Corsair 3600MHz OC'ed to 4000MHz 18-18-18-36 at 1.38v sub https://hwbot.org/submission/4135227_techjesse_3dmark2001_se_2x_geforce_gtx_980_ti_121990_marks
  3. I've tried differed ram and gpu's, reflashed the BIOS ... The i5 7600k may be dead......the board may be fine, I'll see if I can find a good i7 7700k, I even tried to flash the BIOS for my i7 8086k but a no go So I found APEX X and it Rocks.
  4. Yeah, we need frosty pics Excellent bench... Happy Easter Guys
  5. Good to hear your MoBo and CPU is still good Mine was doing great till I ran Ln2 and I got this.....who ever heard of post code 0d? The 7600k may be dead, but my APEX Z270 may not.....:(
  6. I also have a MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti HydroGen it came stock with it's cooler. You should allow water cooling...most of the CPU's will be.
  7. No Verification link to see SystemInfo, SystemInfo must be enabled and the latest version must be used.
  8. No Global Team Power Points (GTPP) Needs to be fixed...
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