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Mean Machine

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Everything posted by Mean Machine

  1. Finally something to cool off my girlfriend's private parts. They usually get so damn hot.
  2. Congrats, old man!

  3. Oddly enough, I just got an email from a guy named Adolf... Apparently he wants to buy my dirtbike.
  4. That's hardly an achievement, is it?
  5. I hear Beier is going to be at Geil.
  6. LHe in Sweden: ~$45/l + 25% VAT and handling fee.
  7. Paint is where it's at for real gangstaz such as myself.
  8. "I feel so blessed, I touched ADOLF."
  9. But... That sounds like actual lack of previous Presler benching, not too much.
  10. Well, I may have chosen a slightly conservative picture that also says "fuck you, I don't bench, I even had time to go to Vietnam for a little while". EDIT: Funny, the word "b-itch" is censored, but not "fuck".
  11. If you want something to be jealous of, here's my girlfriend.
  12. I'm so fed up with this country, I can't even begin to explain it.
  13. Well... Both the USD and the Euro is piss cheap at the moment, at least compared to the SEK. Despite that, the R7970 Lightning costs $800USD or 600 EUR here. I love Sweden, except when I have to buy something. Or other stuff, like for instance living here.
  14. It's good to see some fire on the poster already.
  15. I wish I had 680 Lightnings. Mind you, when I do, you will know.
  16. I wouldn't want to bench all those cards first with stock CPU, and then with 6GHz+.
  17. Sweden. No, wait, it wasn't. Was a few days ago though.
  18. I once benched with ME4ME and Calathea. Then we went out for Thai dinner. Afterwards, we continued benching. True story. EDIT: Food-related (well, energy drink...) picture:
  19. Only A0 32 year olds.
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