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Everything posted by nickolp1974

  1. The xp ready bios, specifically for the gene, do they add IDE option?
  2. Cheers bud, feel bad though for no sys pic!!!
  3. 12 hours to go and i'll be setting off! wishing all those from afar, rauf, luumi, kicka and anyone else a safe journey and i'll look forward to meeting you all, see ya soon fella's
  4. Cool, keep up the good work PJ and team
  5. Of course its not fair but thats XTU! I'd rather see it removed altogether but thats never gonna happen, but hopefully PJ and the gang can sort it out with the new points system. @Massman, do you know the percentage of people that will only use xtu a few times to test there system and not bench anything else, basically not adding anything to the hwbot community apart from boosting the scores unaturally for this particular benchmark.
  6. So is mixing vga's ok then?? As in 1x 5970 + 2x 5870 = 4x 5870, good to know if it is Great score man
  7. Has something already been done with XTU global points?? Lost nearly 30pts other day (i3 6320) still in 2nd, which now awards 65 being 1st awards 166pts hope it does not stay like that, riduculous gap!
  8. Any interest in these before i stick em on the bay?
  9. As always bullant some cracking reults, but no more until z170m ocf is retail please!
  10. Me neither! V.busy of late, will hit the prep hard this coming wkend
  11. Do you know if 1.6v can be passed as this is where the limit is witout the reactor in place.
  12. Thank you i'll dl after work and check it out
  13. Anyone have the bios that does not require the reactor to remove ocp??
  14. Whats hard to understand?? All this could be cleared up with the right screen shot, looks at dancops which is fine, looks at au, hmmm 6.2g for that score, really! The mods should ask/demand either for a proper sceen of the sub or if it is correct how it was done and assess if its legit otherwise it kinda takes the piss out of everyone else who has a passion for our hobby.
  15. You was being serious! Damn, well done!
  16. Should be if your allowed 16 threads on the job!
  17. Gigabyte X99 SOC champion, not in stock at newegg but maybe OCUK ship to the states https://www.overclockers.co.uk/gigabyte-x99-soc-champion-intel-x99-socket-2011-ddr4-eatx-motherboard-mb-520-gi.html
  18. PM'd you mate
  19. 1. Z170 Asrock Formula, retail box with all accs, been prepped with LET for LN2 front and rear. ****SOLD PULSE88**** 2. ASUS 5870 V2, got a bit of vas around core for when i used chilled water, only tested once as my other was better. £40+ shipping 3. ASUS 560Ti top, great clocker on stock volts/1100 £55+ shipping 4. EVGA GTX275 FTW, never benched, just checked. £40+ shipping Could do also do package deal on the 3 vga's for £125+ shipping The VGA's were bought with the intention of modding and after testing on some crap cards i've decided not to and sell! Bank transfer or paypal (buyer pays fee's)
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