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Everything posted by raules009

  1. how does the CPU with liquid cooling system? 5GHz with 1.4volts xtu ?
  2. I hope wonder video to confirm the various scores
  3. I hope wonder video to confirm the various scores
  4. g3258 ships in Italy ?
  5. correct http://hwbot.org/submission/3137731
  6. The bios non-k z170 impact version 0014 ?
  7. you share the bios "no-k 0014" asus z170 impact , I have found only the 0002 version thanks
  8. Motherboard z170x Soc force is ok ?
  9. GA-Z170X-UD5 TH bios non-k ? thanks to anyone who wants to share
  10. GPU dual core? gtx 295 , 4870x2 ?
  11. Roberto la cpu è delid ? 5ghz 1.41v La cache a quanto ?
  12. Temp ambiente ieri era sui 5 gradi comunque con h110 corsair nella immagine è aperto anche hwmonitor . Delid + liquid pro Ora sono in ferie percui fino a gennaio vado in Perù.
  13. certainly I will, but not for you or others send a video to the "moderators of HWBOT". I say if you can not get it does not mean that it is impossible.
  14. http://hwbot.org/submission/3055983_raules009_geekbench3___multi_core_core_i7_6700k_22604_points if HWBOT ask tests with video, I will post.
  15. extreme cooling is <0c look at my i7 6700K 5.2 GHz temp min 14°c temp max 70°c http://img.hwbot.org/u45698/image_id_1541708.jpeg the CPU also makes 5,2ghz "1.58v real voltage = 1.6v"
  16. my pleasure, my name is Raùl if you or other people can not do it does not mean it imposibile. however I do not use WaterChillers (there are WaterChillers ranging even to -40), but only ice water that the temperature does not drop below freezing. if the ice water is considered extreme cooling step to the category extreme but it is not and I'll explain why, there are places in the world where temperatures are -20 and -5 or other places where they are +20 +40. even in Italy where I live temperatures reach -5 degrees and then the reason why HWBOT allowed liquid cooling with ice, but people have taken advantage and are using WaterChillers that can lower the temperature of the water at -20 - 40.
  17. my pleasure, my name is Raùl if you or other people can not do it does not mean it imposibile. however I do not use WaterChillers (there are WaterChillers ranging even to -40), but only ice water that the temperature does not drop below freezing. if the ice water is considered extreme cooling step to the category extreme but it is not and I'll explain why, there are places in the world where temperatures are -20 and -5 or other places where they are +20 +40. even in Italy where I live temperatures reach -5 degrees and then the reason why HWBOT allowed liquid cooling with ice, but people have taken advantage and are using WaterChillers that can lower the temperature of the water at -20 - 40.
  18. I can use a graphics card msi? specifically "gtx 570 power edition"
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