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  1. in general It's strange why didn't try all this changes on the test server first. no 4:3 support resolution,fonts of incomprehensible size-on one page one thing, on another another, I have the impression that I opened the site page in 800:600 resolution, the windows-sections are large, but the font is small for that size,if i will reduce 70-80% zoom than this fonts becomes unreadable small it is harmful to the eyes,for me previous version was more comfortable to read etc
  2. + 486 the last competition with it was 2015
  3. reinstall win7 was fix that issue,as i understand, this could be related to another bug, when after loading desktop I needed to wait 1.5-2 minutes so that any diagnostic programs and some benchs can start-initialization and work (cpu-z,aida,zentimings hwinfo etc)
  4. for cb24 required avx2
  5. exactly,hwbot not recognized all 5x1,had to use other cpus,it always there are some problems at competitions
  6. привет,у тебя в этом резалте частота выше https://hwbot.org/submission/4874568 можешь валидацию переделать на такой же частоте?
  7. i have this problem too,it was almost a year ago and now appeared again
  8. @Kashtan thanks) @unityofsaints exactly) @flanker 1,44v ,added photo
  9. @flankeryes,i always use air,got very good cpu ) @Redwoodz thanks)
  10. cb20 with benchmate get error Invalid data file: Unable to parse the datafile v.10.0.5 not correct save result file on win7
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