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Everything posted by chispy

  1. Great results , nice to see you found the efficiency on this benchmark wish is very hard. Well done and congratz !
  2. Awesome score Joe ! Amazing efficiency , glad evc2 is working great for you as it is the way to go on this cards. Well done !
  3. Great job Obijuan83 , well deserved ! keep up the good work and congratulations amigo.
  4. Awesome score Sharon , Gem 5600x still bringing home the golds :) .
  5. Excellent job ! Nice score well tweaked. Gem cpu it's from another world :D , please do not run y-cruncher or x265 4k on it ... keep it alive :)
  6. Hola guys. I just want to report quite a few bugs that are creeping up on the submission page , just a heads up in case they can be fix. 1. I did quite a few submissions on Thursday and Friday but even thought the subs were done correctly and points were given to me for them in those 2 days Thursday and Friday , But on Saturday they all disappear ??? No where to be found on my profile or on looking thru the submissions ??? All the subs were gone and the points too and i was very worried because i finally was able to use ln2 for the first time in 1 and a half year and all those subs were my ln2 runs. I had to re-submit each sub one by one again and again and it took a while to appear on the rankings and my page with points. might be worth it to take a look at that , please. 2. In the submission page when looking to enter the hardware , in the motherboard section sometimes Asus Crosshair viii Hero does not appear most of the time , no matter how i enter the information , sometimes by magic it will appear and sometimes it won't ??? Same with other mobos and some hardware , please if you guys can fix this bug and try ro make it easier and better to enter and find the hardware on the sub page it is a pita if it does not work correctly , there is got to be a better way and easier for us to enter the hardware used. 3. Trying sometimes to look for a cpu score can be a daunting experience , example: take a look at the 3 cores active subs , how do i find amd 560be , 555 , 550 / PHENOM II X2 B60 unlock to 3 cores , etc... ??? Sometimes by pure luck you might find one but most of the times the search brings nothing but wrong results. this can be improved and better. 4. i tried to make a comment on a very nice score of a team mate and when i enter the comment it spit out error 401 over and over again ??? please check this bug it might be a sign of something else too. 5. hwbot is getting slow again by the day , it is taking up to 10 seconds to load for me , it is no longer very fast as a few weeks ago . There were a few more bugs that i encounter during this weekend benchaton that i had. Thank you for all the hard work you guys are doing to keep hwbot going , but this bugs need fixing please , just when you guys have time take a look at it please , thank you. @Leeghoofd , @der8auer + the new coder. Thanks. Kind Regards: Angelo
  7. Weird bug you have amigo. Have you tried w10 and it works fine , the problem is only w7 ? maybe a w7 re-install or a different w7 iso might help.
  8. Free bump for my amigo Sharon , nice board !
  9. Are you using hdmi or dp ? Monitor resolution and refresh rate ? . If using hdmi and you have this problems try a different driver , if that does not work try dp. Verify that freesync is Off and change resolution to see if that helps.
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