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Everything posted by chispy

  1. Sure , i will pull the system back together on simple air cooler cpu and run a 3d bench to see if we still have this problem , rigth now tis set up it's off the SS and store in boxes but i will do it for you my friend. Will post the outcome here later Alby ? , thank you. Kind Regards: Angelo
  2. It says valid score but processor is not recognize at UL / FM ??? It looks to me like another bug with fm and pcm10 , not recognizing very old hardware with newest system info and latest updated pcm10, i used the latest systeminfo from FM/UL website, i did latest update to pcm10 and whql drivers from amd. Dang it it took me 3 days benching non stop to get this score as it is a huge pita running an 18 minutes long bench on a dinosaur , ancient Sempron 150 single core to watch it crash at the latest part of the bench , not fun and i'm not touching it again or re-bench , so fucking slow , Nothing wrong with my system or in my side of things. I'm tired of this bugs that never get fix at FM/UL , just like Hall of fame bug , ( never was fix ). Look here as proof of valid run: Same thing happened to mikecdm and other people benching Sempron 1 core and unlocked Athlon B560 to 3 cores or 5 cores , That's FM/UL problem not ours. They need to get their shit together at futuremark / UL ...
  3. I have no idea why it is showing for me but not for you ??? Try again. Also Ale Belo score has hidden link on his sub , look here - https://hwbot.org/submission/4668828_ale_belo_pcmark10_express_sempron_150_4257_marks/ , so it might be a problem of FM / UL if myself and Ale Belo scores do not show up on FM/UL links , no idea what's going on at FM/UL validation sadly , they are having weird bugs with pcm10 verification links lately. @Leeghoofd can you please check what's wrong with this 2 subs ? Mine and Ale Belo ? Thank you.
  4. Awesome score Mike , nice clocks on that cpu on SS. Hard to beat score, top notch , congratz on the wr ! pcmark lives on...
  5. Nice score Sharon , well done. This cards are lots of fun , congratulations on the gold !
  6. Thank you Sharon. Mike is too fast , cannot catch him on 1st place ... yet ! ?
  7. Oh dear , it seems a lot of bad things he has done on his life ...
  8. Hola everyone. First and foremost i hope everyone is doing ok with this hard times we are having with covid19 situation globally. @Leeghoofd , @der8auer I think the priority #1 should be fixing the point algorithm. As it stands right now it does not help at all and is very disappointing this have not been taken care of sooner , very un-balanced and unfair point system. I have been on a benching spree and i have started loosing interest the more i bench , why ? Simple , the points algorithm is all screwed up and only the top 10 results gets HUGE ... global points and if you fall below top 10 scores you will get so little points that it seems like a waste of time , yes it is that bad and very disheartening and sometimes i question myself if i should keep going or quit. That goes for both 3d and 2d globals. Also we need more 3d benchmarks with globals , at least add 3~5 more because as it stands there is more 2d bench than 3d bench. ( you can ad = heaven extreme , VR Mark , wild life , 3dmark06 , etc.. ) Catzilla has been beat to death with all kinds of cheats , it has been tore apart and mess with at the code level by some benchers and changed ( hackable ) + it is 100% un-reliable and cannot re-produce repetitive scores , please do not use it , it is ? . My 2 cents on why we cannot use Catzilla , see the reality of it , open your eyes and see where this bench stands in terms of reliability. it will be hwbot worst nightmare if you added and will make the mods work very , very hard with reports to the point where it will be take it down again , so why go thru this same shit again ??? , want to make hwbot implodes ? approve Catzilla for 3d points again and mark my words , you will see it this bench taken down again. Waste of time. This are obviously my opinions , but i believe they are very valid and reasonable , please take it in consideration when making a decision. Thank you for all the hard work you guys have been doing to update hwbot , appreciate it. Kind regards: Angelo
  9. Mira amigo those are some crazy clocks on that HoF Card , awesome , Great job Ronaldo, Amazing ...
  10. Please mods close this thread as i already found what i was looking for . Thank you hwbot for the time and space.
  11. Thanks for the offer @Radi i already found what i was looking for. Appreciate it. Kind Regards: Angelo
  12. I'm looking for intel 6700k - 7700k and amd Ryzen 3300x , let me know if you have one for sale
  13. Madness , almost 3000Mhz gpu clocks ! Amazing card ,awesome score and well done !
  14. Very nice Sharon , awesome score brother and congratulations on the gold. Well Done !
  15. Magnifico score amigo. That stability at such high clocks is amazing , beast of a card. Great job Ronaldo !
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