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Everything posted by K404

  1. My first guess is no. Definitely a different PCB layout, a fair chance of using different PWM controllers. If you're using a "Green" GTS250, you're probably out of luck for good clocking
  2. Also agree with the last line. Do we need three leaderboards for one benchmark, twice? (also... two leaderboards for Unigine) I think I agree with the idea of global & hardware-point only separation
  3. I thought I was alright at Pifast... was benching tonight and thought OMFG my efficiency SUCKS then I searched on here and saw at least two bands of score efficiency with typically ~150MHz between them....and my score isn't *as* bad as I thought Anyone wanting to share tips? I know about installing GPU drivers Thanks
  4. Whoa! Thats nuts Uh-oh I might have to buy an SB setup
  5. Please can you test on some nV 8800 or GTX200 cards? Looks like there might be some promise if it keeps scaling to 5.3-5.4GHz
  6. AWESOME!! 7GHz AMD! Nice one Gappo!
  7. Congrats on 31K!
  8. The problem is ... I suppose the best way to put it is verification. I still have my old 3200+ results... hell.... maybe even soem A-XP stuff butthere's no hard proof of anything. Partly because it didn't exist back then and partly because I didn't know I needed it. You just mentioned the reverse... Team japan being thorough, but I think a lot of old results won't be so complete.
  9. Dazboots, Maverick_SG1 and MarkGee I think. CustomPC magazine and the BTO benchmark leaderboard is what got me going
  10. I liked having 3D01 at the start With Vantage first, if you search through a DX9 category, the first thing you see is an empty list, looks a bit weird Do we need the "Preset" for Unigine? The tab is really long and overhangs the column end @ 1440.900
  11. GTX+ is a free-for-all. 6? 7? PCBs available
  12. Basically.... how many are there? I've always been under the impression there was just one- reference. Did fairly well under cold, RAM stopped just over 1250MHz. Does crap in Vantage for some reason. I'm seeing more results in the GTX category that (to be blunt and honest...) make me wonder if people are using GTX+ cards.
  13. Maybe Sampsa realised benching is more fun than golf, as well as easier
  14. Everyone: Keep Pushing It! Bench hard, bench right
  15. *envious* I can only get it to to that in either green or purple triangles. Yours looks MUCH nicer
  16. I've never been able to get nVidia Inspector to work with my GTX580, no matter which version I try. I'm using the modded BIOS from Shamino..... would that have any effect?
  17. They should understand that benchmarkers are a fair % of their userbase... and thats not how benchmarking works. I thought FM had good contact with guys like Sampsa, Kinc, Petri, PJ etc... they should know what we NEED
  18. From what I have seen of the new ORB, details about bench runs are... short in supply. Even if we save a validation file, submit it to The ORB when we have a net connection back and use an orb link to verify a score, would it confirm the run was cheat-free? No D-PP, No MIP etc
  19. Well.... what % of male overclockers participate in qualifiers? 1%/ 5%? Hell.... 10%? What % of overclockers participate in qualifiers? 1%? 5%? 10%? What % of computer users overclock What % of overclockers BENCH What % of males have more than a passing interest in how computers work, overclocking etc? What % of females have more than a passing interest in how computers work, overclocking etc? You're trying to solve the "problem" at too high-a level. Really... at the mo, just ask the female overclockers why they don't compete instead of looking at it as a "societal problem"
  20. If we don't know how many women are competing, we clearly aren't putting an emphasis on gender, are we?
  21. K404

    Triggers to Smoke

    Or more importantly.... Hipro?
  22. Are they capable? I dunno. Who do we have, hows their efficiency?
  23. You took that one in the wrong direction It's still skill that gets you anywhere. I'm not awesome (LOL) because i'm from UK/Scotland. You do not have an OC reputation because you're Belgian. Who gives a crap where anyone is from? Marketing works better if it's relevant to the local culture. Local culture, is usually a reasonable mix of male and female... except in some parts of China, i'm led to believe. Assuming it's an equal mix, why are women in such a minority? Is it because... the vast majority aren't interested? If we want equality, there should be no hand-outs, free entrances etc... just earn it. There will never be equality if a group is treated differently to the others
  24. Because companies need to promote their products in Asia, America etc
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