Ignoring any algorithm stuff and commenting on feedback.....
Individual user page:
Team doesn't need to be listed for every result... of course one user is in one team. I'm guessing its a table template, I know why it looks like that, but can the template be tweaked for the individual user page?
Points : WR, Global, HW... please can each be spaced out? At the mo, it's 10.5+10.8+10.2
If top 15 global scores affect user ranking, could be table be set to display the top 15 results instead of the top 10?
Worldwide ranking: xx of xxxxx.... this needs to have a mention of the league.
Yea, this is small, anal stuff..... but from a very quick 1st look, it's what i'm thinking.
Do I like R4? Tell you in 6 months if my rankings hold up