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Everything posted by K404

  1. Thats REALLY weird... I upload a pic to get the cooling achievment award and the submission gets re-classified You're right.. it's my 3D03 result (which is still active)... I deleted the "05" Thanks for pointing it out. -> Every time I add a picture to a result already submitted, things get WEIRD.... i've lost points somewhere and I don't know where, now old submissions are becoming "wrong" after all this time ?????????
  2. Nothing against the idea, slightly worried about how to add the info to a screenshot.... some of mine are pretty crowded as it is
  3. Ticket ID: 1100 Priority: Low stock speed 3.3GHz, 2x 1GB cache. 65w
  4. Maybe Sergio was sleep-benching for this one. Have a cup of coffee or some JD bro, you'll get it
  5. Great core How many cards did you test to find that one? You'll take the no.1 quite easily at full power
  6. Thanks Old result, had to resubmit.. think I deleted it by accident whilst trying to add a pic
  7. It's not the MHz that are making the difference I've hijacked your thread....Should say "nice one!" Got 10K?
  8. Thats really weird. You guys noticed the 2 distinct groups of efficiency in the 9800GTX ranking for Vantage? One that's the same as the GTX+, GTS250 and even the GTS 512 (with good RAM,) then a lower tier of efficiency?
  9. What PCB layout are you guys using for the 9800GTX? Ref PCB ALWAYS gives me a low score in Vantage?????
  10. Hmmmm... true. It's a flip-a-coin situation... open category means the most expensive hardware and overall I would guess the M3E or P55 Classi is owned by fewer people than the P7P55 or UD3 example, so might still be looking at a purchase to do well in a compo. What about a range of hardware? "Use between I3 530 and I5 661" or "must be a P7P55 series board" etc?
  11. *has Fear*
  12. Well, any competition thats based on hardware class (1156 or H55 IGP etc) is very likely to be ruled by the top chips for the class and the most expensive board (P55 Classi, M3E etc) Being specific to CPU/GPU/board helps control the cost... like the G6950 or H55-itx compo For GPUs, would it work to use a rough rule of "the cheapest card that has a reference design?"
  13. ok Not so bad. I hope the competitions use parts that are priced right for the HWB award... if that makes sense? If the buy-in for a competition is £250-300 (the IGP compo will come close to that for the top scores) then it would be better to invest in a GTX480 instead etc Do you have any idea when we can see a prototype of the new scoring algorithm?
  14. I'm... not really a fan of having to take part in competitions in order to rank higher. It makes the cost of benching more expensive and the timing may or may not fit in with the free time benchers have. Theres also the ever-present company conflict possibility. Random example..... if the Global No.1 and 2. were heavily sponsored by say... Gigabyte and Asus (I know theres a parallel to the reality here, but.. ignore that,) then MSI have a competition... whoever takes the risk of ****ing off their main sponsor is the one who stays at no.1? Then there's company-supported guys maybe getting "free entry" to the competitions etc.... I do like the competitions though, even though i've never taken part
  15. I was under the impression that I5 ES Vs retail was a pretty good parallel to the 980x situation? Top 20 for each: I5 wP1024: 7/19 are ES (one picture lost) 980x wP 1024: 4/19 are ES (one picture lost) SPi 1M: Top 20: 980x: 9/16 are ES I5 (searched by P55) 11/19 are ES
  16. Thanks for the info What about I5 ES? Retail aren't consistently matching those either EDIT: Was the 980x just an example, will this rule apply to all architectures?
  17. Someone forgot to adjust the awesome scale before trying that. Saying thats awesome feels... inadequate.... P.S...... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA It is almost Halloween after all
  18. Last day or so, if I type in anything to the category search on the front page, I get the options, but if I click on any of them, I get an empty page. What's up?
  19. I keep pretty much everything I dont have some of the very old stuff (7800GT on launch week, 6600GT when PCI-E first hit) but pretty much everything else is here
  20. Blame HWB for that Here's an upload of the result
  21. Thanks
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