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Everything posted by K404

  1. Meanwhile, 1/4 mile away from the venue....
  2. A 5am start, some good and bad luck during the travel down, but eventually, I arrived. Pics: I took one look at the queue, thought "bunny this," made a phonecall, then loudly asked where the VIP check-in was. ~300 people: envious. MUCH better. Backstage.
  3. How long will it take to sort out the final point allocations and adjust the rankings?
  4. K404

    gem 3770k 5.7ghz air

    Same It took serious self-control to not nab this as soon as I saw it!
  5. K404

    eVc by elmor

    It's a pain. OCP and switch freq are linked and inversely proportional, so the pins need separated and modded separately. The PCB layout of cards using the NCP controllers are generally crap, so the VID components are sometimes (literally) all over the place. Then, there's OVP and droop to deal with. They're bollocks, basically
  6. K404

    eVc by elmor

    Shame, but thankyou for the info!
  7. Well.... Pro Cup #2 is done! Congrats to KPC team 1!
  8. K404

    eVc by elmor

    Video link is broken, but this looks like it has a lot of potential! Jon..... is support for the NCP5388 and 5395 possible? Those two controllers make GPU benching much less fun.
  9. Do you want to wait until the competition is over and deal with all the scores at once, or deal with them as they're submitted? I have one score that's not been "connected" properly. CBA re-benching 3D06 with one hour to go. Recipe for disaster
  10. Ok- new problem. Submission has gone through but I only have the option of participating in the ASRock competition, not the Pro Cup....even when I submit the score through the Pro Cup page??
  11. Same problem for me. All the AM3 stuff I submitted went through "fine," but one Mem OC score and HWB server says "nope"
  12. I'm having another shot at Mem clock tonight. Last night did.....not go well. Never seen "00" so frequently in my entire damned life
  13. Fail! I thought I had included it Sorry!
  14. Ticket ID: 1771 Priority: Low This is the OEM version of the GTS450
  15. Ticket ID: 1770 Priority: Low \r\n\r\n:)
  16. The pre-populate idea, in reality, is only as good as it is functioning. The idea I had for the OP is/was something along the lines of a "simple" and an "advanced" submission page. Simple has all the essential bits, obviously. I'd rather see the pre-populate problems fixed first.
  17. Bump
  18. K404

    The Fail

    15/16. Solid effort, admirable attention to detail, but don't stop aiming for more! A-
  19. It's too brilliant-an idea to not have. Props to Asus!!
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