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Everything posted by K404

  1. This is why I hate those e-signature units that couriers use. There is one correct letter in there, but in the wrong place. This turned up at my door ~10 days ago. The driver thought I was Polish or something and was talking really slowly. FML
  2. The ability to submit scores without MHz info is playing hell with the result search function. I know HWB have had setbacks with coding, I hope this problem is towards the front of the bug list for when the situation improves
  3. What version of 3D11 are you using?
  4. 3326B667 6C/12T 4700MHz, 1.35-1.38v depending on bench. I found 11 Physics to be harder than Vantage CPU, which I wasn't expecting. Cooling: CoolerMaster V6GT, bodged mount, stock fans. Hottest core was ~80 2C/2T: 5GHz @ 1.40v, quick test with AM3. Lower voltage = BSOD, so this chip ain't gonna be zOMG under LN2 in any situation, especially if vCore shouldn't go higher than 1.75v
  5. Bump! Forgot this was here. The CFR is sold, the MFR is still available.
  6. Good rule of life: prepare for the worst :D
  7. LOL! People say benchmarks are too synthetic, but bankmark is a 100% real-world application.
  8. New result submitted. Sorry about that! CP points are showing now, I was checking too soon
  9. Oh.... FAIL. Sorry WTF happened to CPU-Z??? I will rebench ASAP. LOL..... LN2 pot being used as an aircooler. Why no competition points??!?
  10. Well.... if it IS holding you back.... OMG at the scores to come!!
  11. Here's a question. 4x2GB of system RAM. Were you not affected by the volume of GPU memory being 24GB? I've always had it in my head that system RAM had to be > total GPU RAM.
  12. Ahhhhhhh MSI have fixed the heatsink shape so SLI connectors are easier to use. EXCELLENT!!!! Thanks for sharing, Windforce!
  13. Nicely done bro! I even like your score comments heh heh heh
  14. K404

    eVc by elmor

    http://downloadmoreram.com/ I don't see what the problem is??
  15. Thankyou very much :)
  16. In general, as long as the battery supplies the right voltage and can handle the current draw, if it has the right fitting for the power jack, it will work ok
  17. I forgot to give someone my camera. I will try to find some pictures.
  18. Ok..... it was yesterday, but here's how the workshops went: Session 1. An explanation to overclocking with air/water, with demo systems controlled by 8-Pack and myself. Borandi did the presentation and one of the content/stage managers said that it had been the presentation that had the fewest people leave during it so.... props to Borandi for sure My demo didn't go well. I lose power at my table, once that was fixed I had horrible thermal throttling. To start with, I thought I was setting the BIOS up wrong. Right at the end of the demo, I took the heatsink off to see that the paste had dried out (it was a new retail boxed chip....) and wasn't doing anything. I changed to a TRUE Copper and could show the audience that upgrading from the stock cooler could have massive benefits to temperatures, which I guess is an important thing to show them. The second our presentation finished, stage crew swarmed the workshop to prep it for the LN2. After the H+S check, we'd all agreed on changing the workshop layout so people could see, but were a "safe distance" away from the LN2....so about 18 people started moving things for us After dinner, we had the LN2 demo and the audience were WAY more up for it. Ian changed his presentation style to be a bit more "hype-y" and it worked really well. 8 and me struggled like HELL with the benching. 8 had the MHz but had some horrible throttling. He'll post and explain properly Before we even started, Production & stage management had to abandon a plan for me to be benching through a monitor splitter system so we could broadcast my desktop to the audience on screens. Also, someone set up a minicam over my thermometer (upside-down), but I have no idea if that was working (probably not....) 8 had the big presentation screen, so no problems for him there I lost all but 1 of my USB ports and all I had was a 1.1 hub......and I needed to install benchmarks....which took ~25 minutes :( During all this I had BSODs if I went over 4.8GHz!!!!!!!!! and I wanted to throw the whole lot out the nearest window. I kept going because that's better than giving up and eventually got a really pointless gold medal but after 2 hours of crap, I looked so happy that the audience who stuck around, decided it must be a really good score and applauded louder than the score deserved The Fire Brigade really held us back.... 8-Pack especially, then they got bored and told us we had to stop. So......audience happy, organisers happy, benchers: not happy, but....."job done" I swore on-mic, but I'm Glaswegian and I was happy. I finally met 8-Pack!! Big big big thanks to: 02 Arena London, Telefonia, London Fire Brigade, the 02 Angels, Antonio (the LEGEND,) Will (legend in the making,) Tobi (also a legend in the making,) Pepe (200% legend,) Paulo (enjoy the Haribo? ,) Sue, borandi and 8-Pack
  19. Hold up! I've only just seen this message http://hwbot.org/submission/2420105_k404_memory_clock_ddr3_sdram_1755.2_mhz
  20. Nah, everything is fine, but there was an 18-strong H+S team to view it and someone decided it must be really important
  21. Waiting to do a health and safety inspection with the Fire Brigade. If they aren't happy: no LN2 at all. Quote of the day? "Hey. Do you sell coffee?" "Sorry, no. Try Starbucks (points)" "I said coffee" There is a member of CP security guarding my demo computer
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