we are, back once again in the situation of complaining because ES is better than retail and we want to push them out of overclocking because "normal people" cannot get them.
One day, maybe people will start listening to me, but I am going to ask a question (maybe two) and I want (interested) people to answer, truthfully and think BEYOND their own situation and think about more people than just themselves and their own rankings. That condition is VERY important.
Do we want to see the best scores possible with the best hardware that exists, or do we only want to see the best scores if we think we can beat them?
I honestly see early Haswell ES as no bigger problem than ePower. I have neither, but I don't mind that some people do, because it shows us the best possible scores.
I'd rather ban ePower than ban cherry ES. The best CPU installs in a board just as easily as a bunny one.