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Everything posted by Doug2507

  1. Yeah, Pepi, gave MSI uk a shout and a new ones in the post. Thanks Bruno, just dawned on me last night and put it to good use. Is the OC board a little quicker changing the clocks?
  2. May as well chime in as i'll be 'rocking' it tomorrow. (taxi.. ) 3600c11, 4 sticks. Still need to sort RTL/IOL's. RTL/IOL done. (near enough). Time for a play with all the funky timings.
  3. Superb, checked the manual but not the guide. Never got a cable with mine so waiting patiently for the post...
  4. 1.43v? with regards to what Michael? Ah, BIOS.
  5. Ordered one of these as well to play with.
  6. Haha, thats what i thought about 2 seconds after i hit the post button!
  7. Know what 2nds/3rds you were running with that?
  8. The board that keeps on giving... 3600@1.91v, 11-18-18-28-2t, tcwl 10. QUAD! Passed 32m, still tweaking. Will post a screen when the rest of the house is awake. Pepi, is DRAM or CPU SA Phase control going to have any impact on ram in quad? Both on auto now instead of disabled and seems to have lifted my quad curse.
  9. Doug2507

    Good 6700k

    Sold, thanks for the space!
  10. I set bios to default, sa/io 1.2/1.15, vdimm to 1.65, set 3600 and primaries loose to 18/20/20/40/500, trefi circa 32k, all other timings auto then started moving primaries down. Now down to 11-18-18-28-300 @ 1.9v. Haven't had a chance to run 32m with this, only max mem but passed the above on 32m with cl13 @ 1.65v. (ball park vdimm, same with 1.9v for cl11 as i had dual at 1.86/87v) With xmp enabled for 3466c16 i pretty much couldn't change any timings till i dropped freq to 3200. Not tested bumping core/cache with the above yet. Will play about more later. Absolutely no chance of 1t right now but as pepi mentioned maybe an answer coming soon enough.
  11. Ha, i'm going through exactly the same thing.....! Won't do 1t till down at 2800. Couldn't even tune quad till down at 3200 but for some bizarre reason it's now playing the game and now have 3600c11 quad passing max mem. Only thing i can think of is i'm now running a completely default bios and only changing SA/IO/vDIMM.
  12. Doug2507

    Good 6700k

    One chip back up for sale, buyer hasn't been online since committing to buy. L528B167 (1) VID 1.24 5ghz boot @ 1.405v 5.1ghz boot @ 1.495v CB15 49@1.42v SOLD euro for (1) Retail / boxed. Only used for checking the above. Ambient around 23deg, max temps allowed around 75deg, water with PK-3, no delid. Tested with MSI Z10 Ti and latest official BIOS.
  13. Cool, wondered as there's a few subs with quad showing dual in cpu-z. EDIT: NVM. V.nice score.
  14. Lol, that's like "not a bad effort but pull the finger out Nick". Nice chip Nick.
  15. Yeah, both sammy. The 3 kits i have are all E-die. Must have been lucky.
  16. Don't want to turn this into a mem thread but just a FYI with regards to RJ's 3466 vs 3600 for those wondering... Tested 8 sticks of mem today (3466 quad kit, 3466 dual, 3600 dual), two of which used previously in the thread. They dropped from 1.87v to 1.86v. All other sticks were quite poor, one 1.87, one 1.92, the rest i gave up at 1.95. Decided to change to 2 sticks per run, stuck the 3600's in with only one stick capable of 1.87, the other was way above 1.9v. Run after run of 32M i could trim the vDIMM. Ended up with the below. Appears that these need a little break in period before settling. Sound plausible? I'll see how the other sticks do tonight. SA/IO volts not touched. (1.2v/1.15v) 1.9v on board = 1.906v on MM. Anyway, seems whichever kit is the cheapest is the sensible buy. The 3466's i've posted previously i've now got running at the below timings with 1.86v.
  17. Same voltage as what my good sticks of 3466 do. I'd just go for whatever is cheapest at the time between the two!
  18. I'll shout you later on today Bob and let you know how i've got on with 3466 v 3600 just for a heads up.
  19. Pepi, could you explain where ST volts come into the equation? Totally unfamiliar with the term ST.
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