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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. it's a bit too long though, would be good if it was a bit shorter and also if it actually had game tests and subtest results but i think massman was saying it wasnt possible. It's definitely not perfect but it's a start
  2. have a good look at the results in 4way SLI and you will see why Andre yang's run http://3dmark.com/3dm11/652460 Vince's http://3dmark.com/3dm11/1179592 it has all the frequencies there, you can see it's all CPU test look at X also and you'll see the same thing except it has a smaller impact
  3. I like the fact there is an alternative even if not as good as FM benchmark, Unigine that is. I disagree. 3DMARK11 "P" is "I got EVGA SR2" board guy helper benchmark as you call it '11 "X" is a different story and very similar to Unigine but you will still have an advantage on SR2 Unigine can be benched on a few different platforms which are alright, X58 being main, SR2 and also 990FX 4way seems pretty efficient also from some testing ive done and also ATI graphics cards are actually a viable alternative in benching. I am yet to see anyone have a serious crack with ATI cards but i think its doable. Massman asked me about my opinion earlier and i am indifferent whether it has points or not but i do think hwbot needs to provide some options to us other than FM. Benchmarks need competition, you've all seen some colossal fuckups lately with released of FM benchmarks and after some serious bitching to FM it took some time and we got things changed. If there was ZERO competition and therefore demands we would be told to get stuffed and would be benching blind and then had to have internet connection to submit the benchmark live to check the subtests for example. Unigine provide tougher competition and various platforms for people to choose to compete with. If that is truly the goal than Unigine is the best fit. Another advantage of having a non-FM benchmark is that HWBOT in this instance (who represent us I HOPE) can have input in benchmark design so with future revsions we could influence in how we want the bench to be. This is a pretty big deal imo unless FM would be willing to work closely with HWBOT on upcoming benchmarks as HWBOT understands us better than anyone else imo
  4. congrats Jan, Fox & Red and an afterthought about those that didnt participate in the comp from a wise man
  5. it's all starting to make sense now. AMD actually has a competitive product finally , too bad it's an the one we really need to be strong
  6. awesome dude, now we're talkin' you gave away the big surprise though (waaaay too much vegetables in the sandwich)
  7. Best to stick to HWBOT for these sorts of comps, manufacturers run the comps with HWBOT's help all the time here. No one can do it better! They have real overclockers running the show (eeek, i just called massman a real OCer)
  8. haha too right sin! i have three different versions of this board and none will ever see a case
  9. i know mate i probably wont top any of them anyways but thought id say it anyways hehh
  10. nice keyboard did you steal it from hipro great clocking also man, well done
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