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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Do you remember this song ?
  2. Should i have a 12900k mem and mainboard before july 15 ? Thats life That’s what all the people say You’re riding high in April Shot down in May...???
  3. chispy querido, si venis a Baires te espero con un asado típico Argentino con un buen vino en mi casa, solo avisame que venis y nos comunicamos, no te olvides que en Bs. As. tenes una invitación. Pero como nos gusta viajar a nosotros también, puede que nos encontremos en algún lugar del mundo, por ahora y para el año que viene creo que voy a Cuba, a Playa Esmeralda en Holguín, hermosa playa
  4. Ay amigo chispy, me entristece que te retires, pero seguro que es por una muy buena causa, es una lástima que la aduana acá sea tan estricta sino esa fuente de alimentación Super Nova y ese 12900k ya tendrían nuevo dueño, pero los trámites para ingresar elementos usados son interminables y pueden durar mucho tiempo, Abrazo querido amigo y que se venda rápido ya que el hardware es de lo mejor.
  5. It is correct As SSD 2.0 is a benchmark that leads to the creativity of results But punishing those who have not performed any cheats is unfair, wouldn't it be better that from today or tomorrow no longer add points but leave the already obtained hardware and globals? Just as the laws cannot be retroactive, removing the points from hw and global is unfair, but review each score that has been made up to that day, on D-day. #For too few, too many lose# This is just a personal opinion, to make Hwbot more sustainable and not be changing so much, it's my 2 cents..
  6. Can someone send me rivatuner ?, I can't download it from the post Thanks in advance
  7. Good one... Bro ! my 9900ks can't do that score. Congratz .
  8. The very Spanish Penelope Cruz and all her beauty in "Volare" La españolisima Penélope Cruz y todo su belleza en "Volare" Pd: Paul Walker rip 2013
  9. benchmark equivocado es "SuperPi 1M" no es SuperPi 32M, súbalo de nuevo en "superpi 1M" Gracias
  10. @Leeghoofd grateful, for the restitution of the score 3d 06
  11. Yup Albi, I know that, but at least for four days or more has not changed, see this please Ranking season 2022 709 , 3 while the sum does not give the total 163.1+599.7 total real is 762.8 The same thing happens in your profile Edit - for having realized this problem on the page and that for a long time 2 scores were in conflict and did not count in my profile. Do won I an invitation to the Corsair event ?, I carry my Ddr OPB edition...?
  12. @Leeghoofd Apologies .. but I think, I just think, that there could be something wrong with the 2022 season ranking, it seems that it is not updating or something, I think this happened a while ago Im so sorry but it is to improve the site
  13. Thank you, , waiting for the modification of both subs Saludos Edit; It seemed strange to me that I hadn't done them a long time ago... crazy thing
  14. @Leeghoofd could you recalculate this submission since it is not giving points, thanks https://hwbot.org/submission/4942608_ Regards
  15. A long time ago there was a song that reflected the concerns of the moment (1965 i think)... and today
  16. Yea, I admit that HWBot is getting better Great job
  17. Congratulations Bro! The effort to maintain temps without cpu damage is perhaps more important than extreme cold, and that's what I like about OC.
  18. happy new year for everyone, have fun be good!
  19. Happy new year everyone arroun the world, have fun and be good!
  20. chispy viejo amigo ! como estas ? , siempre vuelvo es imposible retirarse ya que es como un vicio, Un abrazote desde Buenos Aires y Gracias por la bienvenida jajaja
  21. Thanks so much mate, no problem, no offense, congratz solid run, my apologies, btw more than 50 ? you don't want to know my age, that's secret... Regards
  22. Could be hard winter or hard Pot with snow inside, i had a Pot but with beer inside right now will see Edit: nice score btw
  23. Sorry bro, but 1.71 volts with water ? is it a miracle ? Let us know how this miracle was performed, do you have a video?
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