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Everything posted by Random

  1. just meant they are in stock as some people were wondering/ as far as OC so far so good. everything has done c11 3333 lower v than my MFR (1.8+v) majority so far under 1.75v but this is just 3 of 16 tested so far. going slow as I was up till 5am rebinning e-die ripV on this board as MSI xpower ti board is +.05v as far as I can tell. better in more ways than that though went from 4k 12-20-20 1.88, 1.89, 1.86 and one over 1.9v, which was my cut off, to 1.828v,1.84 and 2@ 1.855 vdmm on OCF One afr wont do c11 3333 at 1.7v but is at 1.68v but barely windows was wierd
  2. Quad Around 1547 or 1549 for manufacturers date hould have afr under the hood i guess
  3. PSA: AFR are in c15 2666 fury now
  4. The c15 2666 fury are afr
  5. Random

    KPE Gemini 2.0 150$

  6. Random

    DDR4 e-die and afr

    on ocf one does 12 20 20 4k @ 1.96v and the other boots and loads windows 1.9-1.94v but fails a few loops into 32M my ocf is prepped for ln2 right now and my MSI ti board doesn't seem to like these sticks at 4k waiting on z170m OCF to drop
  7. it was bsod when windows was loading though so not really good for that but it posted yup though single sided b-die on http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232183 just ordered it yesterday.
  8. I just had kit show up. Its single sided. And posts 3733 12 13 13 @1.75v After resupply itll probably be b-die. Unfortunately one stick is doa
  9. B-die is out. Got some in this c17 3600 2x8gb kit
  10. Can you go tighter that or whats up? Not even 21 or twcl 10? Anyone use this board for b-die? I just got my hands on a stick and want to test it
  11. I see. Wasnt talking about xmp sadly. On my ocf i was doing c12 4000@ 1.84v now i cant get it to pass at all
  12. Random

    DDR4 e-die and afr

  13. bump
  14. I just grabbed some fury that should finally be afr I will let you know once they show up approx friday.
  15. you can choose gold or blue brackets as I have both. blue is tarnished though. old style thumb screws,no nylon bushings rods are replacement from a 3foot rod i had to cut, so the ends may need to be cleaned up a bit http://imgur.com/BcoNclU 150$+ half of shipping
  16. binning a good dual channel. when I tried to plug in my other stick I was binning to match I ended up getting bad problems even single slot its failing a few loops in only other real problem is auto vccio and vccsa go to 1.35 or 1.3v which I am pretty sure is super high http://imgur.com/R7siQtD my c19 4266 stick doesn't like this board forsome reason..
  17. just really bad rtl d1 and times are kinda slow probably me though.. this was a miracle http://imgur.com/KQEC3pD (1.85v) http://imgur.com/0rcdetJ
  18. hmm... I wonder why my on-the-fly c12 3100 @ 1.5, is reduced to 3000 with v2 then.... I just figured that the broken twcl made it loose enough to work at 3100 or 3200 on v1... wierd maybe I tuned the wrong preset... well I guess I will just try hot v2 bios for ambient e-die binning Still some issues but its coming along much better C12-20. 4000mhz is working now Seems left slots suck for single stick binning on this board as well. I know its like that on asrock but as soon as i popped stick into dimm c it started going much better. http://imgur.com/l2a1U3O 1.95v
  19. I'll try again. maybe with a different bios. since this is obviously hynix bias actually a little harder on mfr than 1st hot bios but I guess it makes sense with non broken timings I need to get some benching drives in order. my windows keys or ISOs are messed up
  20. thank god I read this before I whiped that USB stick to try to make a xp install.. all my tinyXP disks are messed up when I try to use my z97 OCF and g3258 chip and now that Tcwl is fixed maybe I can bin my e-die... so I can send last bit back for AFR
  21. 250 shipped? come on guys I need this gone..
  22. is there a way we can get like 5-10 of these shipped to splave with the splave sized kryonaut? I need some of that and one of these for the dual cores it seems
  23. lol I am still waiting to see that +495mhz blk overclocks it talks about on the back of the box
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