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Everything posted by Random

  1. Try taking the stuff out of folder? I got it to work with rufusing a usb and just dragging files out of dos folder and the extracted bios file onto it
  2. Ill pay 50% of shipping
  3. Has some kneaded eraser on it other than that is in great condition. I will get the eraser off. I want an itx or matx board for mem binning, so I must sell this. has latest Xoc bios http://imgur.com/Tvi5nb4 250usd+shipping
  4. Random

    DDR4 e-die and afr

    2x4gb. C17 3733 g.skill trident z descent oc kit 110shipped to us + shipping outside us http://imgur.com/Akyghog http://imgur.com/NLgKezS http://imgur.com/dQnHjJC
  5. I am gonna take a wild guess and say "gtx980" and "8gb ddr4" were initially supposed to be for separate items
  6. Too rich for my blood id rather get a beast when its out. 2l to -180c? Yes please, thank you very much.
  7. wow... see there are prices on the website..
  8. what v for c11 3333 on the afr kits? real v if possible
  9. Random


    LOL i guess someone needs to start making bench tables. i'd buy some. I don't like caselab's atx trays, just cuz they are expensive for what they are IMO. http://www.performance-pcs.com/caselabs-tech-station-atx-form-factor-hex-mesh-backplate.html http://www.performance-pcs.com/caselabs-tech-station-xl-atx-form-factor-hex-mesh.html http://www.caselabs-store.com/atx-motherboard-trays-pricing-varies/ and their bench is 250 I guess thats not too bad compared to dimas
  10. Lmao e-die is good for whatever you can throw at it.. Damn i want the lil board. I wont have any ln2 by the time ots out
  11. Approx Real voltage. So... final results... Fluke 289 DMM C11 3333 @1.715V Tight, 24 loops into c12 28 3733 approx1.8v C11 3333 @ 1.7422vtight What v should i stip binning at for c11 3333 and c12 3733? ln2 -80c no mount 2.0033v 1.8996v this is the weaker best stick that does c11 3333 @ 1.7422v
  12. I got em yesterday but i had to finish prepping mobo for cold since i was already started. Gonna start shortly here. Just gotta do paper towels and install phase now I dont want to desink and void anything till i found sticks worth freezing so... i am finding out through performance Had to clean up my workspace too since i havent benched in about a month First stick c12 3600 a-die preset 1loop so maybe 99% sure i killed a mem slot/channel though. If left dimm is populated i get 4c and 00 loop stick 2 http://imgur.com/l91avJG 3 of 8 sticks do c12 3600 so far @ 1.75 So 6/12 do c12 3600 @1.747v
  13. 2800 and 3000 predator. 2666 iss currently OoS so once they get new stock... the 2666 fury might be worth a shot my 2800 will be here today so.. ill let y'all know if they are or are not.. definitively. Anyone got AFR timings and etc to bin by?
  14. I gave up on c11 high freq.. IMCs are wierd on these Skylakes I swear I had one do c11 4000@ 2v SSphase/water and I sold that chip cuz core was subpar.. now none of my other chips can do it... I just did a quick test to see if my sticks were DOA so I didn't know at that time that the IMC was special
  15. Where the hell do I sign up for that class? And I was gonna just say " ...when you stop caring about the Intel Core i7 stickers. OR ... When you don't even know how many processors you have!"
  16. i just ordered some kingstong that should have afr. the 2800 bin is basically guaranteed to be afr since it was OoS till late yesterday 3daysto ship tho now since they stopped using ontrac wtf is with tridentZ 2 of the 8 sticks I have bought from various bins have died..
  17. ko8155 has 2x the copper in the pcb. really only c6 2000 g.skill or better is worth buying for c6 2800+
  18. damn i sorta want one. anyone in the US have one? where do you guys find this stuff on caseking i cant ever find what i am looking for there i think its awesome and the poor people will always complain
  19. ok. so seein as newegg is OoS on the 3000 and 2800, when they get another batch they should be AFR, right? So I guess I am waiting for them thanks marmott once again you are a huge help
  20. well color me surprised! 4x4gb? 2x4gb kits? savage? fury.. regulaar?
  21. lol I dunno how I feel about g.skill either right now. seems that the way to go is buy a ton of the lower bins ad bin sticks your self... I got a 4266kit that is .1v apart and the heatsink literally fell off of one side on one of the sticks... also a 3733 stick I bought was straight up dead. not like corsair is any better though... when is kingston gonna release AFR?
  22. added I was just thinking about how much I wanted something like this. there don't seem to bee hardly any peeps in the southwest for me to bench with//T.T
  23. assuming you could even drum up the interest there. You need to start a poll and have 200+ people vote for it. for stuff like this I think they usually require more. If you do want to try it matt30v at geekhack, I think released topre space bars through them. good thing for you about them is they pay you before you have made the item. and seem to give manufacturers pletnty of time. space bars took 4months+ because they wanted to get the colors "right"
  24. Random

    WTB OC ddr4

    I got one e-die stick to do c12 4000 @ 1.847v with DMM and I'd like another to match it or beat it. (ill pay what imo is a descent price for it) I got some binned 6700K to trade if someone has something special to offer
  25. I have mem pots for a not good price pm me
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