I like this proposal overall, it's well thought out and covers most of the concerns people have had.
The main thing that I think I'd like to add to this is adding Chillers and possibly Single Stage units added to Enthusiast as I think this will take most of the doubt out of the equation when trying to work out if this score is using chilled water or they just have low a ambient temp, Something of a "if you can't beat them, join them" solution.
I don't expect that to be a popular idea but I do believe it's the right way to go.
The idea of having Country Cup moved to being earlier in the year I am fully on board with and I expect alot of others will be as well.
The redesign of moving cups to the main area of the profile page I like as well, makes it look cleaner.
I do like the HWBOT achievements but some of them aren't really achievable anymore ( Attend World Tour LN2 Certification), so they could do with a trim or rethink in some areas.
There are also some that could be added or updated such as points gathered using more modern sockets (AM4/TR4) or one for using AMD cards (We have one for 25 ATi cards but not AMD ones).
But that's all my thoughts on this, Thanks to Cautilus for laying this all out