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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. I take it PM me ur paypal please
  2. What's the ambient temperature in your room? It seems quiet strange to have a min temp of 14°C unless you have around 5°C in your room.
  3. I've been doing the same for some months already I usually put a little tube on top of the syringe which makes it easier to apply between the memory slots.
  4. Vakuum is still fine Holger?
  5. There is no problem with benches receiving more points Just pointing out that the WR-Points were meant to compensate the lower competition in multi GPU-Benchmarks like FireStrikeExtreme so the actual "world record" with 4 cards receives more points than single card record which is awarded with the highest amount of globals.
  6. No clue where you got the 4770K 2D WRs from. To quote myself: That's exactly the point of the calculation. 4770K is capable of much more points than 5960X. Even if we take away the WRs of the legacy benches. And algorith ≠ WR points. The algorithm only calculates the amount of globals and hardware points - not the WR-Points. So like I said before - the algorithm is fine.
  7. The 300€ CPUs already receive a lot of points. Just compare what you can do with 4770K vs 5960X: 4770K: wPrime32m: 119.4 p wPrime1024m: 111.9 p SuperPi32m: 139.2 p PiFast: 126.9 p Cinebench11.5: 124.7 p CinebenchR15: 128.5 p XTU: 166.4 p HWBotPrime: 159.4 p That's a total of 1076.4 Global Points + 0 WR Points you can achieve with a golden 4770K! 5960X: wPrime32m: 76.8 p wPrime1024m: 73.3 p Cinebench11.5: 85.3 p CinebenchR15: 88.2 p XTU: 89.9 p HWBotPrime: 93.0 p That's a total of 506.5 Global Points + 0 WR Points you can achieve with a golden 5960X. Three times more expensive and not even half of what you can achieve as with the 4770K. Now also take the 3Ds into account. Assuming you have full access to unlimited amount of GPUs and ofc golden GPUs. 4770K + golden GPUs: 3DMark01 single GPU: 114.1 GP + 100 WR 3DMark01 dual GPU: 69.1 GP + 0 WR 3DMark03 triple GPU: 43 GP + 100 WR 3DMark03 single GPU: 121.3 GP + 0 WR 3DMark03 dual GPU: 82.5 GP + 0 WR 3DMark03 Quad GPU: 36.8 GP + 0WR 3DMark05 single GPU: 117.3 GP + 100 WR 3DMark05 dual GPU: 82.5 GP + 0 WR 3DMark05 triple GPU: 43.0 GP + 0 WR 3DMark05 quad GPU: 34.4 GP + 0 WR 3DMark06 single GPU: 120.6 GP + 100 WR 3DMark06 dual GPU: 85.6 GP + 0 WR 3DMark06 triple GPU: 41.1 GP + 0WR 3DMark06 quad GPU: 36.8 GP + 0 WR Aquamark single GPU: 125.4 GP + 100 WR Aquamark dual GPU: 93.3 GP + 0 WR Aquamark triple GPU: 41.1 GP + 0 WR Aquamark quad GPU: 39.5 GP + 0 WR Heaven single GPU: 121.9 GP + 0 WR Heaven dual GPU: 89.6 GP + 0 WR Heaven triple GPU: 52.7 GP + 100 WR Heaven quad GPU: 40 GP + 0 WR A solid amount of 2231.2 globals which mainly require a golden 4770K and not really a golden GPUs. However 1220.6 can already be achieved with single GPU 5960X + golden GPUs: 3DMark Vantage single: 122.5 GP 3DMark Vantage dual: 94.4 GP + 5 WR 3DMark Vantage triple: 50.8 GP + 55 WR 3DMark Vantage quad: 48.4 GP + 100 WR 3DMark 11 Performance single: 131.7 GP 3DMark 11 Performance dual: 99.9 GP 3DMark 11 Performance triple: 116.9 GP + 25 WR 3DMark 11 Performance quad: 49.6 + 100 WR 3DMark FS single: 134.2 GP 3DMark FS dual: 102.1 GP 3DMark FS triple: 56.3 GP 3DMark FS quad: 44.9 GP + 100 WR 3DMark FSE single: 118.7 GP 3DMark FSE dual: 94.2 GP 3DMark FSE triple: 52.0 GP 3DMark FSE quad: 49.2 GP + 100 WR Catzilla 720p single: 126.8 GP Catzilla 720p dual: 92.2 GP Catzilla 720p triple: 49.2 GP + 100 WR Catzilla 720p quad: 39.5 GP + 30 WR Catzilla 1440p single: 83.1 GP Catzilla 1440p dual: 65.1 GP Catzilla 1440p triple: 41.1 GP Catzilla 1440p quad: 35.6 GP + 100 WR A solid amount of 2613.3 globals assuming you have a golden 5960X and golden VGAs. However only 717 can be achieved with single GPU So to sum it up. If you have a golden 4770K you can collect: 1076.4 GP + WR in 2D Benchmarks 1220.6 GP + WR in 3D Benchmarks with single GPU or 2231.2 GP + WR in 3D Benchmarks with multi GPU A Total of 2297 with single GPU or A Total of 3307.6 with multi GPU If you have a golden 5960X you can collect: 506.5 GP + WR in 2D Benchmarks 717 GP + WR in 3D Benchmarks with single GPU or 2613.3 GP + WR in 3D Benchmarks with multi GPU A Total of 1223.5 with single GPU or A Total of 3119.9 with multi GPU Conclusion: 4770K + 1 Card: 2297 possible Globals + WR 4770K + multi Card: 3307.6 possible Globals + WR 5960X + 1 Card: 1223,5 possible Globals + WR 5960X + multi Card: 3119,9 with multi GPU Taking away the WRs of legacy: 4770K + 1 Card: 1797 possible Globals + WR 4770K + multi Card: 2807.6 possible Globals + WR 5960X + 1 Card: 1223.5 possible Globals + WR 5960X + multi Card: 3119.9 with multi GPU So actually argumenting about being fair and taking money into account we should remove the WRs asap lol. inb4 tl:dr
  8. The point distribution is based on activity/competition so the algorithm itself is fine in my eyes.
  9. Don't get me wrong - I totally understand your point of view. The question is just if and how we transfer the "money-issue" into the HWBot point system which is only based on activity and competition at the moment.
  10. There is a big difference from benching 4-way to single card. Even if you have the money it's a pain in the ass. The failure rate caused by condensation is much higher and in addition you usually have to deal with a lot of performance or software issues which don't exist benching single card. But I still understand your point about the money game. But in the end single card benches like 06 or 05 are also money games. Either you bin a huge amount of 4770Ks or you pay a lot to get a decent one. I don't think there is a big money difference.
  11. Yea it doesn't really make sense that a single GPU benchmark like AM3 will recieve a lot more points than a 4-way FSE record - considering the effort. Without the WRs it looks actually alright. (149.6 vs 125.6)
  12. I kinda like the fact that for those benches you don't have to use 4 cards for WR points but on the other hand you are right. Not sure to be honest.
  13. Thanks guys Yea the chip is pretty strong. 4,6 is primestable possible for 24/7. Didn't try. Cinebench doesn't really scale with tighter memory. At least I had almost no gain from C15 RTL57 to C12 RTL51.
  14. Yes I also often have this issue and no idea why. Even on a fresh Win7 with no mods at all. Just installed from the original microsoft disc.
  15. There is not much we can do as HWBot staff. I sent an email to the seller two days ago and waiting for a reply but so far nothing. I will inform you if there is any update. I'm sorry for kintaro that this happened to him as I know he is a good guy and I also traded stuff with him in the past. On a side note I have to say that it's not smart to use PayPal and mark stuff as gift to save fees. It's a common trick on the internet to scam other people. PayPal has the fees for a reason. You pay for the safety to have the buyer protection.
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