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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Same here. Just got unstable at a certrain point.
  2. You need as much as possible. Talking about 120+
  3. You need high PCIe clocks to run a high bclk. Also did you run on cold? From my experience most chips should do 240-250 bclk at least on cold.
  4. Just watched a livestream of him benching and I have to admit that it looks legit.
  5. Thx! It does Cinebench 11.5 4570 MHz at 1,150 volt on normal air cooler.
  6. We're currently discussing this again. It's just complicated to change the rules during a competition if we want to stay 100% fair. Will let you know once there is a final decision.
  7. The rule was not set at the beginning of the competition so we can't/won't add it now. Doesn't make sense now that only 1,5 weeks is left.
  8. 5960X ES. Seems pretty good. Batch was 3413Bxxx. Have to unmount later and check. 4550 MHz 8C/16T Cinebech R15 @ 1,150 Volt 5750 MHz 8C/16T Cinebench R15 @ 1,525 Volt http://hwbot.org/submission/2628201_der8auer_cinebench_r15_core_i7_5960x_2226_cb Not maxxed out on LN2. Was just a quick test.
  9. Hold on guys. Massman just told me that the engine does not update the ranking after the time is up. So we have to wait until he manually recalculates the ranking tomorrow at the office. Should be fine tomorrow morning (europe time).
  10. Not checked yet. We will inform you guys as soon as the ranking is final.
  11. After rechecking with Vlad we decided to set Fire Strike Extreme as deciding benchmark. If 4 ppl from 12 to 15 have the same amount of points like you say we will go by the highest Fire Strike result.
  12. Yea the issue was the voltage and BIOS. I reflashed the 3D BIOS and lowered the voltage. Vivi benched this card 1800 MHz at 1,48 Volt. And before I tried about 1,60 Volt so peak load at the start was too much. And also switched the PSU to a LEPA G1600 for GPU and combined two rails.
  13. it's the cpu input voltage I have no idea. card is supposed to run ~1900 MHz but can't get it above 1700 MHz at the moment. Straight freeze at the beginning of the benchmark.
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