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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Happy birthday guys
  2. What is: No client version given, required version: 2.1 Can't submit the score edit: nevermind. Used firefox instead of chrome and it worked.
  3. Maybe I did that for a reason Have to check when and why I did that.
  4. Mh I think it's not supposed to be like that. Will check that.
  5. Sam can bring his scores back any time if he wants to But we're not going to ignore his decision. His results - his call.
  6. If you ever modded 4+ 1000***8364; cards and took them to a different country to break records live you would not like to do this. Taking SuperPi down with one container or maybe even on memory is a complete different story than doing real 4-way records. The money and time involved is just too much to do everything live.
  7. PJ, after our discussion on skype today, I spent a little more time thinking about your idea of the GCP and the Apprentice League. As we all know a lot of enthusiasts are interested in subzero in general but don't want to post scores because of stepping up in the league. I think the Apprentice League would just shift the problem to a different league but wouldn't solve the problem. What about allowing a certain amount of subzero submissions in the enthusiasts league which are time limited. So e.g. allow up to 3 active subzero submissions which expire after 30 days (disable points after 30 days). This way the enthusiasts could try subzero and still stay in the enthusiasts league. If they want permanent subzero submissions they have to move up to extreme league.
  8. Sam told me the reasons during computex. Well don't get me wrong but you should not expect that a high ranking will guarantee a job in this industry. It might be a bonus but it's for sure not a reference to get a job (unless it's just inhouse benching). About Karl we won't bring his scores back. I talked to him personally before he decided to disable his scores and he was 100% serious. It's disrespectful to bring them back.
  9. He decided to stop participating in HWBot/HWBot-Rankings. I guess it's up to him to explain the reasons in public.
  10. 480 is a PITA when it comes to thermal paste cracking because of the high load. What thermal paste did you use? If you go too low and the heat is too high you might lose contact between pot and die. What temp did you bench at?
  11. 1. insulate everything which could possible get in contact with water/ice 2. I personally don't use anything inside the slot. However I put a lot of paper around the slot to catch dripping water 3. Changes from card to card. Which one exactly? 4. I only insulate the pot with armaflex and armaflex between the backplate and the VGA. For the rest just paper everywhere to catch water 5. Yes. A fat pot is usually more stable and can handle a higher load.
  12. Really nice work there Well done and well deserved.
  13. I sold 4 of these kits a week ago for 50***8364; per kit.
  14. Yes that's valid on HWBot.
  15. Did you check if all voltages are present? Also NF200 voltage?
  16. Finally! After days and days and days I can go to bed in peace.
  17. not sure if anyone will be there
  18. Really promising Time for LN2!
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