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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. hahaha epic quote
  2. Dancop delidded his golden 4770K over 10 times because the paste kept getting bad. So I wouldn't say it's bad for DC or Haswell.
  3. I deleted the post. Trodas, HWBot is a community open for all people no matter what kind of political or religious background they have. This also implies that we do not want to see any kind of political or religious discussions on hwbot. Just to make sure everybody feels comfortable and welcome in our community without any exceptions. In addition I don't want to see any kind of pictures again like the one you just posted!
  4. Best thread of 2015. 5 Stars***** would read again / 10
  5. At a certain point the stock TIM will give up and the frequency will drop down by 500-600 MHz on load. Saw this several times now with skylake CPUs. Dancop also had a good 6600K which could run around 6,2 GHz first using the stock TIM. After few benchsessions he could not exceed 5,8 GHz anymore. Swapping the TIM with Kryonaut he could do 6,3 GHz.
  6. In theory yes but the problem is always some kind of safety feature which keeps the different VRMs shut down if some part is not working.
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