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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Yea currently we would have to divide the memory categories into different benchmark categories. Such as SuperPi 1M and SuperPi 32M. Would be the easiest way to give each categorie global points.
  2. Can't find anything in my database but mod should be no problem. Can you take a picture of the backside of the VRMs?
  3. 4790K has been released already few weeks ago so yes you can use it Only the release date matters. Not the local availability.
  4. I will close this thread now. Please use this one for further discussions. Doesn't make sense to have two topics about the same event. I moved some recent postings over to the other topic just in case you are wondering. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=106327
  5. There are several different layouts. Which card exactly do you have?
  6. Looks like there is an issue with the forums email function. I just did the email diagnostic but did not recieve the test emails. Tried on two different email addresses. Have to look closer if I can find anything in the Admin panel.
  7. You can still participate in Class B Z87/Z97 MPower ~200 USD (used even cheaper) 70 USD CPU 120 USD GPU
  8. No EPower needed for class A since 290X Lightning is available. 1. Only AMD R9 models. So R9 290X reference or Lightning if you want to have a real chance. 2. The top 18 will go to the final. However maximum 1 per country (2 if 1 x A and 1 x B) and 4x AM, 6x EMEA, 5x APAC
  9. Only 1 person per country for A and only 1 person per country for B. So it's possible that there are 2 participants from the same Country in total (1x A and 1 x B)
  10. I can pass by there this week. It's only few minutes from my place. Can take pics and a description how to get there.
  11. Yes shop works fine! Orders will be delayed tho at the moment because I am still in Taipei.
  12. You have to set the maximum RTLs at the boot and not each RTLs sperately. Can't remember how the setting is called exactly.
  13. You have to set the maximum RTLs at the boot and not each RTLs sperately. Can't remember how the setting is called exactly.
  14. You have to set the maximum RTLs at the boot and not each RTLs sperately. Can't remember how the setting is called exactly.
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