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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. You're welcome Glad you got everything! And cool pictures there
  2. The intention of this rule is to bring real overclockers with you and not some random tourist. If there is a realy overclocker-girl I'm 100% sure that she'll be very welcome!
  3. If you have a better score you can just upload it without deleting the old one if that was the problem.
  4. Should be alright as far as I know. Even if you pause the cmd and change the priority in the task manager it will not affect or change the calculation. Have been doing this for years. Just edit the batch file and put a "pause" in the first line.
  5. hahaha Srsly one of the best so far
  6. Yes will bench again next week but for now I'm glad about the points which pushed me into top 10
  7. Performance seems to be fixed even tho I have no idea why. Used a different Windows 7 and installed all drivers like I did before. Looking better now: [hwbot=2371375]submission[/hwbot] [hwbot=2371374]submission[/hwbot] Thanks anyway guys!
  8. Physik score fixed. Still trying to find the GPU score problem... http://hwbot.org/submission/2370931 edit: @ ronaldo: I already used stretched but that didn't change anything. As I still only get about 3300-3400 at heaven with these clocks I think the issue is not benchark related. But will test more tomorrow.
  9. It seems like I fixed it. Used a different MVE of a teammate and the performance looks alright now. Same OS, 1:1 same BIOS settings. I have no idea what's going on with the other board. Will report back after benching with LN2.
  10. Same here. Yes I fly from frankfurt. Checked 2 weeks ago and saw 847 € and now booked for 805 € Cathay Pacific leaving 13:55 on 3rd of June.
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