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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Fixed on the bot. Only Massman can change the Forum username tho. pm me
  2. Yes wireframe hacks are not allowed. LOD is an exemption and is allowed in all benchmarks.
  3. I visited the Freeocen-Session yesterday and thought I share some pictures here sn@ke, the teamcaptain of Freeocen organized this event already the second time in Walldorf which is located in the southwest of Germany. Participating benchers had access to about 800 liters of LN2 and the whole weekend to bench whatever they want. No competition, no stress - just a relaxed atmosphere and free benching. Location: Some big dewars... ... and smaller ones to carry the LN2 inside Friday afternoon the place was still pretty clean and tidy Hardware for a lottery drawing. No competition And some free accessoires to pick up Preparing the first setup with LiquidTape... ... and mount the pot preparing RAPTOR SLIM GPU Pots For some Titan 4-Way-SLI Time to eat some pizza before the the hell breaks loose DrOwnz benching some 30€ Richland CPUs. So far 7,2 GHz Moose83 annoying us with his PCMark2005 raid-controller which is constantly making beep-noises Said controller: His SSDs dernettemann and Lord_Darkstar seem to have some serious conversation sn@ke giving his opening speech LN2 - finally Me and Dancop slowly preparing the 4-Way-Titan setup. Took us 6 hours in total including the insulation of the pots and modding the cards. It's running without any insulation on the cards. Maybe not the best idea tho. Link to my Album at IMGUR if you want to share: http://imgur.com/a/PcFVD
  4. Hi, using the MPower Max I just set the memory and voltages. Left everything else on stock. Settings which always worked for me on LN2 Boot with: VCCIN 2,0 V VCore 1,4 V VCCSA: +50mV VCCIOanalog: +250mV VCCIOdigital: +250mV VRing: 1,3 Volt Just leave BCLK at 100 and fix CPU multi to 42 Then going to windows and set these settings: VCCIN: 2,5 Volt VCore: ~1,65-1,85 for most of the retaul CPUs Now just set Ring and CPU multi. That should do it
  5. Well this was the point when I lost faith in humanity:
  6. I was looking forward to the climate in Germany when I was on the way back from Taipei. Now we have 37°C today
  7. Did you install: - Intel ME - Framework 3.5 - Win7 Service Pack 1 ?
  8. So once a memory kit is not DOA it gets the award. Seems legit.
  9. Low score issue can be fixed by installing Service Pack 1 for Windows 7
  10. Try some PSC or Hynix. Should scale a lot better on cold.
  11. Yes, would be awesome to have a wider range of hardware support!
  12. Serious talk now: HWBot is the place where we can live our hobby. Instead of complaining all day long some people should start appreciating this website. For sure not everything is 100% perfect but you can be sure that Massman is not deciding anything to harm the community. He always tries his best to improve this place and provide the best playground for us. It's always funny when people say "bring back revision 2". Well HWBot would either stay at the same level or even lose attention. From my point of view the bot has never been as good as today.
  13. So the next level is that everybody starts a thread to write down the stuff he doesnt like here?
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