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Everything posted by Paulie_AU

  1. Subbed. So it is possible to do this on both the Z170 LN2 and also the shitty Z270 SOC? Have both just like the LN2 way more so would try on the Z270 first.....
  2. Congrats to everyone that competed and the Aussie guys who smashed it. Awesome team work!!
  3. Dammit have had 1654 since before stage 2 score was announced......
  4. Only Gigabyte board I have is LN2........
  5. Don't worry I just subbed a terrible 580 score to knock Dino's score out.
  6. The 12 comments above mine and I agree 8 cards.
  7. So stage one is open score?....... sold all my Z87 and Z97 for Z170
  8. Any stages going to be ambient? Would be nice if non extreme could potentially contribute even if mixing it with extreme benchers.
  9. Anyone used the 3866 Trident Z yet? Looking to grab them and a OCF in the next day or so. Would it be right to assume the 2 x 4gb kit would be E die?
  10. Awesome thanks Futuremark and Ney
  11. XTU crashing right at end of runs. Doesn't like 84 BLCK it seems (for me anyhow).
  12. Stage 10........ if I hit 41 again I will scream. Has taught me a good deal on BLCK clocking though. Last attempt then moving back to 2 core.
  13. Any chance of getting the XP MEI link working again? Have just moved up from the Z87X-OC and trying to get drives etc set up. Cheers
  14. Do what Junkdogg suggests on the bench while it runs....that will urge it on.
  15. Your benching rig is a little bent in the corner..... maybe that is why??
  16. Well done teams. Was stressing big time
  17. Arghhh, been getting best physics but no GPU love
  18. Arghhhh my submission wouldn't submit. We were meant to submit a score on the money or lower? Kept saying I needed a URL but it wasn't a top 20 score. Guess thats what I get for leaving it late (grocery shopping and then cooking dinner for family......) Hulk sad.
  19. Best score was on Monday..... a week didn't improve
  20. ......subbed with 36 minutes to go. I am so good at this.
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