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Everything posted by rtsurfer

  1. Apparently there is "Splave" edition (Big) Kryonaut tube available, you have to contact Roman for it. I saw a picture somewhere a couple of days back. Can't find the post right now.
  2. No they don't. Deliding there actually might cost you some frequency instead of gaining. This is only for Sub-Zero, ambient, deliding will help you.
  3. Sold Elsewhere. Thank You for the Space HWbot.
  4. Up for sale is a retail 5960X batch J513B048. 2 Tests done with a H100i with 25C ambient on Gigabyte X99 Soc Champion. 4.625/4.625 Ghz @ 1.2V/1.37V 4.76/4.634 Ghz @ 1.3V/1.37V 4.5Ghz CineBench was at 1.14-1.45V, I don't remember exactly. Cache is not maxed out, but didn't want to push higher on ambient. No cold testing done. I wanted to, but my mobo has been with Gigabyte since 2 1/2 weeks because of RMA. Price is $1200 Priority Shipped with insurance within US48. International buyers PM me. Paypal is the preferred method of payment. Heatware: http://heatware.com/eval.php?id=97980 Will do some more tests if my mobo is back from RMA before this is sold.
  5. How am I supposed to get a Data File for Hwbot Prime on Mobile...?
  6. That's good news. If Hwbot is gonna add the SPD requirement, they should do it soon before we have Extreme guys complaining about having to rebench.
  7. Let's try this one more time. ES RAM allowed or not...?
  8. Does the no Engineering Samples allowed rule mean, no ES RAM allowed...? If yes, then might want to add a CPU-Z SPD Tab requirement for the screenshots. A lot of people running Kingston ES RAM.
  9. Are we having a Devil's Canyon moment with 5960X's..? All J batches seem to be awesome on ambient, only seen 1 bad one till now. Here's mine J513B048
  10. Damn.. And here I'm binning for 3000C11. 3000C10 wouldn't never even boot. Nice job Dancop.
  11. rtsurfer


    Sold elsewhere. Can be closed. Thanks for the Space Hwbot.
  12. rtsurfer


    Hello guys up for Sale here is my 4790K Some AIO Subs Both done on Windows 7 with settings booted from BIOS. Has a Good IMC. DICE runs, http://hwbot.org/submission/2887925_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2887934_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2887928_ I know GPuPi isn't an acceptable substitute for Spi32m, but I forgot to run 32m & ran out of Dice. I didn't have an XP installation,so time was gonna be S*** anyways. Unfortunately I am unable to get Ln2 at an acceptable price, so DICE is as far as I can take my Hardware for now. All runs were done on Z97 OCF. Looking to get $400 Shipped within the US. Will come with original Box & Heatsink unless you don't want it. Only Paypal accepted. International Buyers PM for shipping Quote. Any questions please ask. Thank You for looking. Disclaimer: private sale, no returns and no warranty provided by me.
  13. Url Validation requirement for Catzilla was removed a while ago because of their shitty site.
  14. Don't you get a BlackScreen running those frequencies, Slinky.?
  15. Not on DDR4. They are replacing them with Samsung, any & everywhere they can.
  16. Ya. Extreme league you can bench previous Gen ES but not current. So right right now you could bench IvyBridge ES. After next gen Intel CPU launches, you can bench Haswell ES. Moving to Elite will remove this restriction on you.
  17. These are on sale at Microcenter in the U.S http://www.microcenter.com/product/444421/16GB_DDR4-2800_%28PC4-22400%29_CL16_Desktop_Memory_Kit_%28Four_x_4GB_Memory_Modules%29 I have read multiple reports from people who went to buy them at the store & the employees told them that it was re branded Gskill. Ofcourse that isn't conclusive proof that its GSkill, but Sabishiihito bought some & said it was Hynix, which makes it more likely IMO. Anyways sent him a PM, hopefully he can post some kind of proof.
  18. Exactly, if he had found some magical tweak or if it was due to a newer GPUPI version, then why couldn't he pass sofos with his 3-way sub. http://hwbot.org/submission/2851407_
  19. Look at those clockspeeds. There is no way that those score are possible at those speeds. Plus in the past I have seen results in 3Dmark Benchs such as Firestrike where the person was running on a single GPU & had other dormant in the system. That gave they a boost in points, which wouldn't be there if it was the sole GPU installed in the system. I'd do a practical test instead of just theory, but I don't have more than 1 290X. Maybe you can get if confirmed with someone else with multiple GPUs. Edit:- Also Hwbot could just ask the guy to reproduce the results with only a single GPU in the system, if he can, then its legit. If not, then my theory is correct.
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