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Everything posted by rtsurfer

  1. Mat could you take a look at these scores. http://hwbot.org/submission/2851399_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2851389_ While the GPUs are not actively running the Benchmark, them being in the system is clearly helping. Can it be considered legit.?
  2. Its rebranded Gskill guys. Nothing ground breaking.
  3. Lol... Top 10 seems to be the sweetspot then.
  4. So that's why the server went down again. Couldn't handle this score.
  5. How about some for the U.S guys.?
  6. Yes it is. And it is a standard "tweak".
  7. I believe this flaw can be easily fixed by just disabling mixing GPUs altogether. Obviously only the creator of the Benchmark can tell us how easy it is to do that.
  8. Actually I can see, how the first case wouldn't work. A simple algo would pick the newer card as the faster one & rank the results accordingly. But what if someone ran a 7970 & a 260. The 260 is newer, so the algo would rank the results as 2 x 260, but the 7970 is actually faster. Hmnn.
  9. I thought you had an Algorithm for that.? Didn't know that wasn't the case. Or we can leave it for the user & hope that the cheated results get reported, shaky but these are the only 2 options I can see.
  10. You can combine any two cards, the result will be ranked in the stronger card category. For example if you run 290X & 7970, the result will be counted as 2 290Xs.
  11. Its allowed. But if its not a stable overclock for this bench, then the run will fail. Its same as the "Not in Round error" people get on Super Pi when pushing memory. Lower the frequency a little bit & it will pass. Sometimes you get lucky & are able to get the bench pass at a frequency that was previously unstable.
  12. Is it over clocked.?
  13. Probably.. The competition this time seems to be less CPU dependent & can be done on Z97 unless the quad channel on Haswell-E gives more Memory Read Bandwidth compared to Tight PSC on Z97. Unlikely, but can't be sure till it's tested.
  14. Lol. That's actually perfectly fair. Or else all you would see is people with 5960Xs on top.
  15. Vietnam 4790Ks have been really good on Ambient & for sub zero there have been a few good chips. Not all of them suck.
  16. The Physics question still stands. Is it going to be divided by the number of Cores.?
  17. If the overclock isn't stable, the run will fail. And this bench has a different definition of "Stability".
  18. I somehow seemed to have entered the wrong time on the Submission(oops). Seems I cannot edit, can a mod please fix it.
  19. Alright. Thanks mat.
  20. Even for Single GPUs if we look at the Generational increase we might reach to zero fast maybe even with the upcoming 390X Just look at the difference between 7970 & 290X at similar clockspeeds http://hwbot.org/submission/2719953_vadimua_gpupi___1b_radeon_hd_7970_35sec_410ms http://hwbot.org/submission/2760482_d0minat0r_gpupi___1b_radeon_r9_290x_17sec_929ms A 390X on Ln2 might just get to zero. And for multi GPU, you already saw this http://hwbot.org/submission/2820501_pulse88_gpupi___1b_3x_radeon_r9_290x_5sec_907ms 4 x 290Xs on LN2 & its over. In the begining of the thread, people were quite ready for a longer GPU bench, don't know what changed.
  21. Yeah.. Points. Although shouldn't the points have been enabled on the 32B version of the Bench since with the 1B version we will be under 1s with the next gen GPUs or maybe the Gen after. Wouldn't that make this bench short lived, ~ 2 years or so. Just a suggestion.
  22. Score is bad because the RAM isn't good enough. Either go to 2800C9 or get some PSC. And yes Cache will help too.
  23. Can someone from the staff please tell me if it was absolutely necessary to have the CPU-Z memeory tab open during the ScreenShots used for submissions. I just noticed that I didn't do that for some of my subs in the 2Core/4Core rounds. Its XTU so I don't think it matters much, but would prefer to have a proper answer so I can understand how it will affect the work I put in last month & if I should continue.
  24. I only quoted the parts I have something to say about. This is not true, if you are good enough then you can get decent points with the current gen systems. Does the 4790K look like a part that belongs in an "everyday high-end system". Look how many points I got for my submission a few days back http://hwbot.org/submission/2797450_rtsurfer_xtu_core_i7_4790k_1278_marks There is nothing "special" about this setup whatsoever, it done with an H100i. The CPU is bought in retail & not binned by anyone special except me. (Picked the best out of 2, guess I got lucky). And I spent my time hunting down double-sided Samsung, but everyone who is actually serious about Overclocking knows that you need either PSC or Samsung to get good result with DDR3. These are regularly sold on hwbot or other enthusiast forums. Personally I'm myself pretty pissed at the current DDR3 scenerio. While this clarifications only apply to this specific scenario, I'll still put it out there. Except matose & rsnubje all other TitanX results are from 'retail' parts. A lot of OCN people bought TitanX's on launch day with one day shipping. Those are the results that have been on the Frontpage from the past days. So this example is flawed. Bottom line its possible to be competitive in your own league & receive points if you are good at it.
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