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Everything posted by Taloken

  1. Coefficient is too mainstream, using BCLK hipster style.
  2. For Barbonenet's tweaks, right click on desktop -> Properties -> Parameters -> Advanced -> Fourth tab -> Hardware acceleration to none and uncheck write combining. (Indications based on french OS, can be a bit different) I knew these tweaks for wprime, but didn't try them for super pi.
  3. It would be nice to make GPUPI a per-core stage, actually it favorise too much Xx9 platforms over Zx7 ones.
  4. The uncore is the bus ring / imc thing, so same as AMD's CPU/NB i suppose. Please make that GPUPI is not part of the cup without solid & strict rules.
  5. About the uncore/nb freq, it the one which appear in the Memory tab right ?
  6. Hi all ! Can you please add the GTX 960M to the db ? ^^ Here is a GPU-Z screenshot : http://i.imgur.com/GdcOTLy.jpg And the official specs website : http://www.geforce.com/hardware/notebook-gpus/geforce-gtx-960m/specifications Thx !
  7. Hi ! I up this thread as i gave a try at the Query API, following this doc : http://static.hwbot.org/api/Query_API_1.0.pdf Same problem, results array is empty. I used Jquery's Ajax. Is this API still supported / updated / gone to trashbin (until next rev i hope) ? I had first some troubles about understanding the Cross-Domain Problems and JSONP implementation, it would be better to add some lines in the doc about it.
  8. Same problem in Cowcotland's Team
  9. Did you install a 64-bit version of JRE ?
  10. 2K ! But plzzzzz dont kill it :'(
  11. Les 2000 se rapprochent, go go go !
  12. Actually from CCL : 2ShEp (LN2) Mylth : (air/water) Martin_White : (air/water) Zyxxlol (incertain) And from KOC : Zwitterion93 DrTank Wizerty Cruzen Radi StrategosSan Dane List subject to change ofc ^^
  13. Hi guys ! A short link to CowCotLand's topic : http://www.cowcotland.com/topic19805.html We are organising travel and sleeping for frenchs guys. I'm not yet sure to personnally come, but a massive bunch of KOC & CCL members will be there
  14. Dont try to translate anything I think what he means is that it's not valid on W7, however it's considered as a "valid" OS. I presume that W7 use HPET correctly, so put a green result for Seven and below, even if HPET is used ^^
  15. If it become conclusive, how about a integration request to CPUID to integrate it at CPU-Z ? The clockers are, i suppose, their best "customers" ^^
  16. Just delete ALL ucbench submits, as the bench is no more accessible, it will be simplier >_>
  17. Ok so the "HPET/RTC" button on Harmonic is only to enable/disable the check by the soft. That's right ?
  18. Great job 'Cain, finally a way to bench on W8+ ! ^^ But i suppose there is always a cheat possible by disabling HPET under OS after startup, and re-enabling it for screenshot
  19. Coming for news ^^ Poitiers's Event will be during the Gamer's Assembly from 2 to 4 April ? It would be great to confirm asap the dates please, so we can organise us
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